400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578

First Sunday of Lent

First Sunday of Lent

3/01/09 First Sunday of Lent

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15

“Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels ministered to him.”

We’ve all heard the complaint: “Why don’t they print some good news in the paper? There’s nothing but fires, disasters, murders and kidnappings. Where is the good news?” We all hunger for good news.

The Internet can lead you to many “good news only” Web sites. One was founded in 1997 and is called the Good News Network. But we don’t have to go online to find the real good news. In today’s Gospel we see Jesus coming into Galilee, and we hear his voice proclaiming the Good News. We are told the kingdom is near and that we are to believe this good news.

Deacon Dick Folger