3/15/09 Third Sunday of Lent
“Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
Spring housecleaning is a great therapy. We all need to reboot our computers, refresh ourselves and turn over a new leaf. In the ebb and flow of culture and custom, things silently get out of hand and something finally has to be done.Last November, the nation was ready for the kind of housecleaning change that swept new leadership into power. In today’s Gospel, the situation on the holy ground of the temple had gradually gotten out of hand. The moneychangers who converted Roman money into the necessary Jewish shekel were disrespectfully setting up shop in the temple precincts. People were selling animals on the spot. The temple had become a busy marketplace instead of a house of worship. Jesus swept in with change and reclaimed reverence for his Father’s house.
Deacon Dick Folger