400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578

The Most Holy Trinity

The Most Holy Trinity


The name of the Trinity is, without a doubt, the most familiar sacred name to us. We speak it every time we make the sign of the cross, and it forms the heart of our Creed. Trinity Sunday is a good day, however, to stop and reflect on the unique role of each of the three persons we name so often in the Trinity and in our own lives. When we celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday, we come together as the Body of Christ through our baptism, and through the power of the Holy Spirit we offer the whole prayer of the Mass to God the Father. This presence of the Trinity does not stop when we leave church on Sunday. We are—always and everywhere—members of the Body, and every thing we do as members of that Body is empowered by the Holy Spirit, all of it offered to the glory of our loving Father.

Take a moment each day this week to reflect on how the persons of the Trinity were present to you during the day, and how other people came to see the presence of the Trinity in your witness to the Good News.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.