Baptism Policy Congratulations on the birth of your child! Now that you have brought your child into the world, it’s time to bring him or her into the family of God to begin a journey of faith life that is filled with God’s grace and blessings.
The first of all Sacraments, Baptism calls us into the family of God as His adopted sons and daughters, imparting upon those who are baptized the grace of being cleansed from original sin. In the dying and rising to new life that is the drama of Baptism, the individual is freed from the bonds of sin and death and given the promise of new life.
In preparation for your child’s baptism, please review the following policy of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
Any discussion regarding baptisms will only be had with the biological or adoptive parents. Grandparents, friends, aunts, uncles, legal guardians, someone speaking on the parent’s behalf, cannot schedule baptisms, or provide the staff with any personal information regarding the child or parents.
Godparents: According to Church Law (Canon Law #872 and 874) these are the requirements of those who serve as baptism sponsors (godparents): Must be mature enough to undertake the responsibility (at least 16 yrs old) Must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation Must believe all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches, and truly make a serious effort to live a good moral life worthy of imitation; and sees to the religious instruction of his/her family. Must be an actively practicing Catholic who attends weekly Mass and makes regular use of Confession Must be canonically free to carry out this office. This means that Catholics living in an invalid marriage (not married in the Church) and those who are cohabitating without being married cannot serve as a sponsor. Prospective Godparents must complete and turn in a Certificate of Eligibility.
One Sponsor, male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex. (Canon 873)
A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic church community may be admitted as a Christian Witness, but only in company with the Catholic Sponsor. A Christian witness may not be less than 16 years of age, and may only serve as a Christian witness at the approval of the pastor.
Scheduling Contact the parish office for available dates. Baptisms are normally held on the 1st and 2nd Saturday and 1st and 3rd Sunday unless an event has already been scheduled.
If this is the first child for either the mother or the father, both parents must attend a Baptism preparation course provided by the St. Joseph’s Church prior to scheduling a Baptism. This class is not necessary if both parents have had other children baptized in the Catholic Faith. . Baptism Preparation Classes are held on the fourth Sunday of the month after 10:00 AM Mass in the Cry Room
There will be a rotating schedule of the clergy (the priests and deacons) that serve St. Joseph Church.
There will not be more than two (2) baptisms scheduled at a time.
All parties (parents, godparents, grandparents, family, etc.) are expected to attend the liturgy (Mass) immediately before the baptism is to be celebrated.