Today’s Gospel story about the healing of 10 lepers ends with Jesus asking, “Where are the other nine?” Only one leper returned to offer his gratitiude. Failure to say “Thank you” deprives us of even deeper blessings. Consider the many children who fail to thank grandparents for the generous check they tuck into a card…
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Jesus promises us that if our faith is strong enough, we can command a sycamore tree to be uprooted and transplanted into the sea. Or, he tells us, with enough faith we can move mountains. It sounds like a job for Superman. But we’re not comic book superheroes. Another story of faith takes place in…
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In a scene from the final “Godfather” movie, Michael Corleone goes to confession to a bishop in Rome, who begins their encounter by taking a stone from the fountain and cracking it open to show that, despite its surface wetness, the interior has remained bone dry. It is an image of how hard it is…
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Bulletin f
Bulletin f