4/18/10 Third Sunday of Easter One perfect Sunday morning, a priest couldn’t resist the urge to go fishing, so he called up the bishop with a fake raspy voice, saying he had laryngitis. The bishop said he would send another priest to take his Sunday Masses. The truant priest’s first catch was the biggest fish…
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Bulletin f
Bulletin f
The Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours and we are in need of Adorers. We invite you to come and spend an hour with our Lord. If you would like to commit to a specific time and day each week, please call Brenda Thibodeaux at 334-2659 or the Parish Office.
Last week at the resurrection of Jesus, Mary Magdalene saw the anges inside the tomb. Then she saw the gardener and did not recognize him as Jesus until he spoke her name. This week Thomas obeys Jesus’ command to put his fingers into the nail wounds and his hand into his open side. Only then…
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