An artist begins to create with a few lines and strokes. Little by little, more detail appears, until finally the full picture is revealed. So it was with Easter. It came softly, not with a blare of trumpets but with a quiet gasp of astonishment. It was still dark when Mary Magdalene discovered that the…
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Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem has many historical parallels in which public acclaim precedes tragedy and violence. We remember Aug. 28, 1963, when 250,000 Americans arrived in Washington, where they heard a man named King proclaim, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of…
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Bulletin f
Bulletin f
Today’s Gospel is about the adulterous woman, but we might wonder about the unfaithful man in the story. John makes no mention of him, even though he is equally guilty with the woman. Perhaps he was a public figure, nervously standing somewhere in the crowd, fearful that he would be found out. In his desperation…
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