December 13, 2009 Third Sunday of Advent In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist assures us that he is only the announcer of the one who is to come. He baptizes with water. Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. The expression “all fired up” comes from the days of steam trains. A…
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December 6, 2009 Second Sunday of Advent George Frederic Handel’s “Messiah” expresses beautifully the message of Advent. The conclusion of the second part of his sacred oratorio is the soaring Hallelujah chorus. Its sheer musical beauty almost demands that we rise to our feet, and by tradition we do. This custom began in 1743 when…
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Bulletin f
Bulletin f
November 29, 2009 First Sunday of Advent Two weeks ago, on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, the readings from Mark spoke of the end times. The words painted an image of celestial cataclysm that ends with the coming of Jesus in the clouds of glory. Today’s Gospel reading is the parallel version described in…
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