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Category: News

August 17, 2014-Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

CALLED TO ACT IN GOD’S NAME       “Let all the nations praise you!” (Psalm 67:4) today’s psalm response exclaims. In the psalms and other Hebrew scriptures, this kind of invocation is actually an invitation to God to act, to intervene in human lives in a manner that will cause everyone—not just the Chosen People—to give…
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The Feast of the Assumption.

Feast of the Assumption: Friday August 15th, 2014 “Holy Day of Obligation” Anticipated Mass: Thursday, August 14th 5:30 pm Masses on August 15th, 2014: 6:30 am 8:20 am (RCE School Mass) 12:05 pm Please Note: There is no noon mass on Thursday, August 14th. — GLADE PARK, CO (Catholic Online) – On November 1, 1950,…
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Giving of Oneself

GIVING OF ONESELF Scientists have recently begun to discuss the idea that the primary force behind all life in the universe is self-gift. This is how everything from galaxies to human babies are born and sustained. If we read the opening of today’s passage from Isaiah correctly, we see that he anticipated twentieth-century scientists by…
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Setting Aside the Weapons of War

SETTING ASIDE THE WEAPONS OF WAR Why, we might ask the prophet Zechariah today, would God want to banish chariots and horses? The answer follows: because they are used to violate God’s reign of peace, along with the warrior’s bow. In the days of Zechariah, chariots and horses were high-priced items used only for war-making.…
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Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles

PETER AND PAUL Today is something of a rarity: the celebration of a saint’s day that replaces the Sunday liturgy. Only a handful of these days, given the official rank of “solemnity,” are considered so foundational and primal to the mission of the Church that they can interrupt the Sunday sequence. And so it is…
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