400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578

Category: News


St. Joseph Prison Ministry provides spiritual support to prisoners in the Acadia Parish jail. They are in need of paperback Bibles and plastic rosaries to be distributed to the prisoners. For more information or to donate, contact Zubaida at 334-4730 or drop them off at the Parish Office.


The Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours and we are in need of Adorers. We invite you to come and spend an hour with our Lord. If you would like to commit to a specific time and day each week, please call Brenda Thibodeaux at 334-2659 or the Parish Office.


Practicing Catholic-confirmed male, femal, couples, confirmed high school students, retired, unemployed, part time worker, employed and able to visit after Mass. Anyone who can give one hour a week or every other week Eucharistic Minister for Homebound only. Call the parish office at 334-2193 or Dean Thibodeaux 334-5425

St. Joseph Co-ed Ultreya

The St. Joseph Co-ed Ultreya met recently and sucessfully formed a core group.  Ultreya will be held in the cry-room of church every Thursday.  A rosary will be prayed at 6:30pm and Ultreya will begin at 7:00.  All Cursillistas are invited to attend.  DECOLORES!!!!


Come and join us at two o’clock every Monday in church as special prayers for our good and holy priests, seminarians, and deacons are offered to the Lord.  These prayers have been recited by St. Joseph parishioners for the past fifteen years. Priests need to know that we are praying for them, that they are…
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