There are thousands of varieties of wine, but some people look only for the cheapest price. They just call this cheap stuff “Muskadoodle.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls his disciples to abide with him. He uses the analogy of the vineyard to tell them that they are the branches and he is the vine. He…
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Two old style TV antennas were mounted on the roof of an apartment building. Over time, they fell in love and were joined in marriage. The wedding was OK, but the reception was great. The long crook of a shepherd is somewhat like an antenna. The crozier sticks up into the sky and seems to…
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Have you ever asked St. Anthony to help you find your car keys? Chances are, you discovered the keys right under your nose. You were suffering from selective blindness. When your eyes were truly opened, the keys appeared. Things are similar in the Emmaus story. The two disciples did not recognize Jesus until the breaking…
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Do you believe in UFO’s? Are there aliens up there in the sky, patiently mapping our world? If you don’t believe, then how do you explain the thousands of sightings since Kenneth Arnold first reported a saucer in 1947? Arnold wasn’t the first. There were lots of other reported sightings before that. The oldest account…
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If you have ever lost someone you loved, you know about grief. Psychologists have mapped the process of grieving into what some call “The grief wheel.” It begins with disbelief, shock and numbness. Then the wheel transitions to guilt, anger, bargaining and resentment. Finally, you emerge from despair, and the wheel brings us to acceptance.…
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Weekend Masses:
Sat. 4pm
Sun. 7am - 10am - 5:30pm
Week Schedule:
MWF 6:30 am
Tues. and Thurs. 12:05 pm
30 Minutes Before Mass
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