November 29, 2009 First Sunday of Advent Two weeks ago, on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, the readings from Mark spoke of the end times. The words painted an image of celestial cataclysm that ends with the coming of Jesus in the clouds of glory. Today’s Gospel reading is the parallel version described in…
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November 22, 2009 Christ the King When a witness is being sworn in at a court, the bailiff asks, “Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” Telling the truth can be difficult. In some cases you can get a punch in the nose…
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November 15, 2009 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel reading reminds us that there is an end time coming. We hear that the sun will darken, the moon will have no light to reflect and the stars will fall from heaven. The powers in space will be driven from their courses. Today, doomsday prophets…
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November 8, 2009 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Henry Ward Beecher was a 19th century writer, clergyman, social reformer; abolitionist and speaker. In one of his many popular quotations he said, “It’s not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.” In today’s first reading the poor widow gave the…
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November 1, 2009 All Saints Day When the peace activist Jesuit Fr. John Dear was discerning his vocation, he took a trip to the Holy Land. One afternoon he went up the hill where Jesus preached his Sermon on the Mount. On a plateau overlooking the Sea of Galilee he found the beautiful little Church…
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Weekend Masses:
Sat. 4pm
Sun. 7am - 10am - 5:30pm
Week Schedule:
MWF 6:30 am
Tues. and Thurs. 12:05 pm
30 Minutes Before Mass
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