St. Joseph Ministries

The JMJ Coalition was established in 2022 and is a result of Fr. Andrew Schumacher and Fr. Brent Smith teaming up to provide ACTS retreats to parishioners of their parishes: St. John the Evangelist in Mermentau, LA, St. Margaret of Scotland in Estherwood, LA, and St. Joseph’s in Rayne, LA.
ACTS is a parish-based retreat in which parishioners serve parishioners. The ACTS Retreat, an acronym for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service, began in the 1980’s in San Antonio, Texas. The retreat’s goals are to strengthen our faith and its application in our daily life, to renew ourselves spiritually, to build strong, lasting friendships, and to grow in our relationship with our Lord, our parish and one another. The ACTS weekend is presented by lay Catholics, with support provided by a Spiritual Director/companion or clergy. Parishioners who serve on ACTS retreats strive to provide the opportunity for our parish community to experience, become, and share the Body of Christ. Once parishioners attend a JMJ Coalition ACTS Retreat, they can help serve in future retreats. Please consider this wonderful gift for yourself or someone you love.
Are you interested in deepening your faith and finding a community of faith to help support you on your faith journey? If so, consider attending a JMJ Coalition ACTS Retreat. Typically held twice a year for both men and women, the retreats begin Thursday evenings with check-in at 5:15 p.m. Retreatants return on Sunday in time for Mass.
Registration for a retreat opens a few months before it is scheduled to take place, usually at noon on Sundays. Registration remains open until all spots have been filled. Those interested may register online by filling out an application. Registration links will be published in the bulletin, website and/or Facebook.
The cost is $325.00 per person for parishioners of St. John, St. Margaret or St. Joseph parishes and $375 for anyone outside of the JMJ parishes. Payment instructions are given to those who are accepted into the retreat. For more information, call the Parish Office at 337-334-2193.
Upcoming Retreat Dates
Women’s Retreat Dates
August 21-24, 2025
Men’s Retreat Dates
February 20-23, 2025
(Registration opens Sunday, October 20, 2024)
February 26-March 1, 2026
Contact: Josette LeBlanc | 337-334-2193

Baby Berries
The mission of the Baby Berries is to provide the children of St. Joseph Parish with a foundation in the Catholic faith, including Scripture and traditions while building community. Caregivers and children ages 0 – 5 are invited to enjoy story time with prayer, music, and crafts. Please bring a blanket to sit on.
9:30-10:30 AM | Fridays (during the school year) | Family Life Center
Contact: Valerie Louviere | 337.334.2193
Bishop Service Appeal
The Bishop Service Appeal is an Annual Collection to offset the necessary costs the Diocese of Lafayette incurs maintaining its services, ministries and seminarians. The collection also aides in funding the various support offices the Diocese has in place.
Contact: Louis Nugent | 337.334.4421
St Joseph Lay Carmelite Community

Have you ever felt a hunger and a thirst for a deeper holiness?
Have you ever felt a desire to love God more and to serve Him more in your daily life?
Do you love and honor Our Lady?
If so, perhaps God is calling you to ministry in the church as a Lay Carmelite.
Lay Carmelites are Third Order Members of the worldwide Carmelite order and share in
the spiritual benefits of the order. The community meets monthly at 10 o’clock on the
first Saturdays in the teachers’ lounge at Rayne Catholic Elementary, unless something
necessitates a change of time and place. we engage in prayer, study of Carmelite charisms & spirituality and fellowship.
A practicing catholic of 18 years or older may be considered for membership. If you
think you may be interested, you are invited to attend a few of our community meetings
in order to discern if this is for you.
Contact: Jamie Prevost l 337-658-3006 l
Cemetery Board
Cemetery Board Members meet as needed to oversee the maintenance, upkeep, and repair of St. Joseph Cemetery #1 & #2.

Come Lord Jesus
Bible Study
Group One: Meets Tuesdays | 9:00 am
Contact: Debra Fusilier
Group Two: Meets Wednesdays | 6:30 pm
Contact: Mary Terro
Compassionate Prayer (Wakes)
The prayers and support of the community after a loved one passes consoles and aides in the grieving process. The Ministry of Compassionate Prayer seeks to love and support the family of the deceased by visitation prior to the funeral service (wake). With this visitation comes compassion and prayers including but not limited to the Rosary, individual prayers with the immediate family, and the simple support of being present in a time of need. The deceased and family are remembered through prayers at mass, and the family is given a blessed Rosary for continued prayers.
Contact: Dolores Deville | 337.384.6585
Daily Manna Christian Service Center
The Daily Manna Christian Service Center is a center that provides food, clothing, toys, bedding, furniture, dishes, and other necessities. The center is open to people of all faiths and welcomes the least among us. In the past few months the center has become a significant source of charity in our local community. St. Joseph is an active supporter of this center and is working with other organizations for the ongoing success and growth of this ministry.
Contact: Denise McIntyre | 337.393.2146
Divine Mercy Ministry For the Dying
For those interested in joining the Divine Mercy Ministry for the Dying
Contact: Cathy Breaux | 337.501.1404 |

A ministry designed for the involvement of Seniors in the Parish. The Elderberry group meets for prayer, exercise, fellowship, line dancing, quilting, card and bingo playing. All seniors over the age of 55 are welcome! Elderberries facilitates an AARP drivers class for $25, AARP members receive $5 off the class. No registration or dues. Come and see, stay and play!
Every Wednesday Morning | Family Life Center
Contact: Elaine Menard | 337.334.5359
Men’s Bible Study Group
Meets Friday Mornings after Mass (except first Fridays)
Contact: Dcn. Denis LaCroix | 337.334.2193

Plates of Grace
Plates of Grace is a ministry team that serves the parish by preparing meals for ministry meetings and gatherings. If cooking or planning meals is a talent of yours, please share that talent through Plates of Grace. Together let us serve our community through our love of food.
Contact: Todd David | 337.344.0302
Join the Team:

Pro-Life 2258
2258. From the Catechism, we believe, “Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being.” Our Pro-Life Ministry is an outreach ministry designed to get information to individuals about the effects of Abortion and to support and care for those who are considering or who may have already had an abortion. The Pro-Life group actively listens, loves, and learns.
Contact: Elizabeth Holloway
Join the Team:

Rayne in the Desert
Young Adult Group Ages 18-35
Nights include: religious formation, intellectual discussion, and prayer. Fun, social outings planned between formation meetings.
Meet every other Thursday | 6:30 PM
Contact: Gracie Mouton | 337.784.0087 |

Sisterhood of St. Joseph
More Host/Coordinators Needed
Contact: Fr. Brent Smith | 337.334.2193
Group #1 – FULL
Contact: Allison Privat
Group #2 – FULL
Contact: Tessa Himel
St. Isidore Farmers Group
Since 1989, the St. Isidore Farmers Group has celebrated Spring with an outdoor farmer’s mass honoring the patron saint of farmers, St. Isidore. The mass takes place on a Saturday morning nearest the Feast of St. Isidore on May 15th, and celebrates new life in the fields and new life within the church. It is a call to remember how mightily our farmers depend on God, and how farmers work hand-in-hand with God to produce from their fields. The mass celebration gives thanks to God for the gifts of wind, rain, and sun.
During the 3 days preceding Ascension Thursday, a priest blesses the farmer’s fields, which is known as Rogation. The word “Rogation” comes from the Latin verb rogare, meaning “to ask”, which reflects the beseeching of God for protection..
Contact: Margaret Zaunbrecher | 337-334-4235
St. Joseph Altar
The St. Joseph Altar is an offering of love and labor honoring our patron saint on his feast day each March 19th. This celebration has become a tradition in St. Joseph Parish and throughout the world.
According to legend, it originated in Medieval Sicily during a time of drought and famine. In desperation, the people prayed to St. Joseph for help & intercession. When the rains came, their crops prospered & their prayers were answered! In thanksgiving, they placed offerings of food, (their most prized possession) on a beautiful altar. Then invited the poor and needy to share their food and prayers. The altar, draped in white and adorned with icons, flowers, and candles, has three levels to represent the Holy Trinity. They shaped and designed cakes and breads into elaborate decorations and placed them in pairs to represent the balance & harmony of creation. This devotion continues, with the Solemnity of St. Joseph Mass and Tupa Tupa Ritual (reenactment of the Holy Family’s search for shelter); a beautiful altar laden with food that is open for public viewing and a traditional Italian meal served free of charge to all in attendance. In holding with tradition, each celebration is an act of humility where all labor, food and decorations are derived from the generosity of friends & neighbors. Likewise, all proceeds are then donated to the poor and needy of our area.
Feast of St. Joseph March 19 | Family Life Center
Contact: Linda Ancona | 337.660.5314 |

St. Joseph Rosary Makers
The St Joseph Rosary Makers offer rosary workshops through the parish & by request. We also have ‘make-at-home’ rosary kits for those who want to join our ministry from the comfort of their own home. We seek to spread rosaries and promote this favorite devotion of our Immaculate Mother, far and wide! Over the past 10 years, countless rosaries have been donated in and around our own parish, to charitable organizations throughout the Diocese and to Catholic ministry organizations across the country. If you know of someone in need of rosary donations please let us know!
We hope you’ll inquire about a Rosary Makers workshop for your book study, prayer group, or supper club and help us fill the world with rosaries! Mini-makers workshops are available for school age kids with service hour opportunities for middle & high schoolers who are able to help. We don’t sell any of our rosaries, so monetary donations along with rosary making supplies are also appreciated. We’ll even take excess rosaries off your hands & put them in the hands of those who need them.
Contact Jenny Prevost | 337-278-1048 |
Vacation Bible School
The mission of Vacation Bible School is to provide the children in the community of Rayne and surrounding areas the opportunity to learn more about the Bible and the stories from the Bible while having fun and being in fellowship with their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Early June | Rayne Catholic Elementary
Contact: Parish Office | 337.334.2193
Sacrament Preparation
Baptism Preparation
Baptism Preparation is for all parents seeking to have their child Baptized. A few short courses are offered to help teach of the importance of the Baptismal Rite, the requirements set by the Catholic Church regarding God-Parents, and the explanation of actions made during the Rite.
4th Sunday/Month after 10 AM Mass | St. Joseph Cry Room
Contact: Parish Office | 337.334.2193

Witness to Love
Witness to Love is a virtues-based, Catechumenate model of marriage renewal and preparation that integrates modern principles of psychology and the virtues to help couples facilitate an authentic dialogue about their relationship.
Our mission is to provide local churches with the tools to transform existing programs of marriage preparation into wellsprings of dynamic marriage discipleship that foster both parish connection and nurture authentic accompaniment before and after the wedding day.
What makes Witness to Love unique is that the engaged couple chooses their own mentor couple. This is a couple they both admire and see as a source of faith formation. This mentor couple gives them a concrete connection and integration into the parish. Through the sharing of the mentor couples’ own marriage journey, the engaged couple inherits a “lifeline” of support in their commitment to Jesus and His Church.
The mentors must meet some basic requirements and they are trained to mentor the engaged couple. Unlike other mentor models, there is no need to build trust in order for the marriage prep process to work – the trust already exists. Deep conversions, encounters with Christ, and renewal happen consistently for both the mentors and the engaged couple.
The couples journey together over the course of six months completing various tasks off of their Scavenger Hunt list all the while growing closer to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Witness to Love helps to lay a solid foundation for the Sacramental vocation of marriage to give the couple the tools they need to build a life-long happy and holy marriage.
If you are interested in learning more about Witness to Love, becoming a potential mentor couple or willing to help please reach out to our Marriage Preparation Coordinator.
Contact: Ashley Primeaux, Marriage Preparation Coordinator | 337.250.2297 |
Faith Formation

Family Faith Formation
(Parents and Students Pre-K – 8th Grade)
The mission of the Family Catechesis program is to provide a program that is family-centered, offering spiritual food and help for the whole family. This program offers the Roman Catholic faith including God’s word, sacraments, 10 commandments, prayers and the traditions of our Catholic faith. The focus of this monthly model called Family Catechesis Sunday is for the parents of children in grades Pre-K – 8th. One Sunday a month we will offer a brief but full program for the whole family.
For Registration, Calendar, and More Information: Faith Formation
One Sunday/Month (during the school year) | 9:00-9:45 AM
Rayne Catholic Elementary Gym for Students | Family Life Center for Parents
Contact: Shelby Fuselier, Director | 337.735.4568 |
Brandon LeJeune, Director |
Volunteer Sign-Up:

St. Joseph Coed Ultreya
Ultreya is a continuation of Cursillo. To join the Cursillo movement an individual must inquire and then get a sponsor to attend a retreat weekend. Once the Cursillo has been made, Ultreya involvement is suggested. Highly recommended and very beneficial with continuing to grow spiritually through fellowship.
Thursdays | 6:30 PM Rosary, Meeting at 7:00 PM | St. Joseph Cry Room
Contact: Dr. Neal Duhon | 337.581.0110 |

Catholic Daughters of America
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. Catholic women 18 and over are eligible to join the CDA. The program includes concerns of today’s church and society as well as issues that affect the well-being of women and children. CDA strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. The CDA motto is “Unity and Charity.”
Court Rayne members enjoy each other’s company at meetings and work hard together for their parish and community. They donate to charities on local, state and national levels, sponsor scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” Court Rayne has an annual Salad Bingo in the Spring and, when needed, in the Fall, to fund the projects and charitable works of the Court.
CDA sponsors the Day of Recollection in Lent, Rosary Pilgrimage in October, Nursing Home Ministry, and hosts receptions for various St. Joseph Parish celebrations & ceremonies.
National Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Louisiana Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court Rayne No. 844
2nd Thursday Monthly (except July and August) | 6:00 PM | Family Life Center
Contact: Linda Ancona, Regent |
Mail: PO Box 199, Rayne LA 70578

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefit society which holds true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity. The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
1st Tuesday/Month—Officers Meeting | 2nd Tuesday/Month—Council Meeting | Knights of Columbus Hall
Contact: Daniel Simoneaux | 337.581.2306

St. Joseph Mass Ministry
Includes Adoration Chapel, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Sacristans, Choir, Ushers & Greeters, and Ministers of Holy Communion to the Home-Bound.
Adoration Chapel
The Adoration Chapel is a place of worship and reflection. Open 24 hours, the Chapel is there for the individual as they need. Parishioners are also asked to offer one hour a week to spend time in the Presence of the Holy Eucharist.
Contact: Cathy Breaux | 337.501.1404 |
Altar Servers
Altar servers enjoy the privilege of helping facilitate the celebration of the Mass, the greatest form of prayer and worship enjoyed by Catholics. It’s the goal of St. Joseph Parish that altar servers enlighten their faith, all the while, learning important character traits such as responsibility, reverence, leadership, friendship and virtue. Hopefully, our altar servers will treasure their experiences, and be further molded into responsible adults and stewards of our great church. Altar servers have always played a valuable role in assisting the Priest as necessary in celebrating the Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Contact: Andre Landaiche | 337.250.1332 |
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Extraordinary Minister of Communion are charged with the great task of bringing the Precious Body and Blood to the congregation during Holy Communion. A Extraordinary Minister of Communion must be a fully initiated Catholic, having celebrated the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. They are also to be reverent in touch and motion as well as compassionate to those who come to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. They may also be called upon to say a prayer of blessing over non communicants.
Contact: Andre Landaiche | 337.250.133 |
St. Benedict says in his Rule: “They should not presume to read who by mere chance take up the book . . . Only those are to discharge these duties who can do so to the edification of the hearers.” When one answers the call to be a minister of the word, one enters a deeper relationship with the word of God as revealed in sacred scriptures. The lector takes upon themselves the duty and privilege of bringing the printed word to life—making it flesh. The ministry as a lector gives voice to God’s healing and challenging words as it goes forth irrevocably to the ends of the earth, achieving the purpose for which God sent it.
Contact: Andre Landaiche | 337.250.1332|
Our sacristans are zealous in their commitment to foster good worship. Sacristans are responsible for setting up the liturgical elements; these include vessels used for Eucharist, altar linens, candles, to name a few. Sharing the responsibility for worship is also a part of the sacristans’ mission; to make children and adults comfortable with their specific roles like being an altar server or a Eucharistic Minister. Sacristans may be of any age or either gender. They need to be fully initiated Catholics which means they need all three Initiation Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. We have a few part time employed sacristans who serve and a number of volunteer sacristans.
St. Joseph Choir
The St. Joseph Choir leads the assembly in song and adds beauty through choral music to the Sunday Eucharistic celebration. The Choir is made up of individuals from all backgrounds and ages. An organist, flutist, pianist or percussionist may also be heard as the music requires.
St. Joseph Church | 10:00 AM Mass
Contact: Denise Brignac, Choir Director | 337.288.4515 |
Ushers & Greeters
The Usher Ministry serves the assembly by providing a welcoming, hospitable atmosphere and assuring order during the liturgy.
The Usher Ministry finds it roots in Hebrew scripture. The Second Book of Kings speaks of the “doorkeepers” who collected money offerings from the people (2 Kings 22:4).
Ushers are liturgical ministers, assuring the comfort of the assembly in the worship space and performing various functions during the liturgy. Ushers help people sit together, if someone is sick or needs emergency care, they can count on the ushers to help quickly and with professional care. Ushers take up the collection and manage the Gift Bearers for the Preparation of the Gifts. They manage the flow of the Communion procession. The usher is often the last liturgical minister one encounters as one exits the church as he or she distributes the bulletins and wishes you a fond farewell until next we meet. Some ushers have served the community for decades, while others have joined the ministry fairly recently. Under the leadership of a Head Usher, usher teams serve at all weekend Masses and at other services, such as First Eucharist and Confirmation, Holy Days, Holy Week, Easter, and Christmas.
Contact: Jack McIntyre | 337.384.4340 |
Andy Richard | 337.254.6740 |
Ministers to the Home-bound
Ministers to the Home-bound are those who go out to the sick and home-bound to bring the Eucharist to them and also to share in prayers and community.
Contact: Deacon Denis LaCroix | 337.334.2193

Discover your Spiritual Gifts!