Temple Grandin is autistic. She thinks in pictures, not words. An automatic door at the entrance to a store was like a guillotine to her. She was afraid to try and go through the door. But, like many other doorways in her life, once she went through it, success followed. On her 63rd birthday, she was present at the 62nd Emmy Awards when the inspiring HBO movie about her life received five awards. She holds a doctorate in animal science, is the designer of thoughtful and humane livestock-handling equipment, and is an author and an advocate for people with autism. Grandin courageously overcame her fear and passed through many doors. Today she is a light on a hill, shining for all to see. In today’s Gospel, Jesus knocks on our door. The handle to open the door is only on our side. We have to be the one to open and let our faith shine through. Jesus wants us to declare our faith before all the world so that others will see the goodness of our acts and give praise to God.
Deacon Dick Folger