400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578

Looking To The Last Day

Looking To The Last Day


Today the Church remembers all who have walked the way of Christ and passed from this life. The readings all look to the last day, when we shall all rise from the dead and be reunited.

The prophet Daniel announces words of warning and welfare. He cautions us against the judgment to come, but he also comforts us and assures us that all who live a life of virtue and justice will find life eternal.

The reading from Romans reminds us that, because of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection and our entrance into that paschal mystery through baptism, we now share in the new life won by Christ. This recognition has repercussions: we need to live righteously now, that we might rise to life forever with Christ on the last day.

In the Gospel Jesus pledges that all the Father has given him will not be lost. All the faithful will be raised to joy and live forever in the presence of God.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.