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Month: June 2015

Pope Francis to workers of Turin: ‘No to an economy of waste’

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis’s two-day Apostolic Visit to Turin (June 21-22) began Sunday morning with an audience in Piazza Rebaudengo for a vast array of workers, farmers, and entrepreneurs.  Listen to Devin Watkins’ report: After speeches from local labourers which focused on their daily difficulties, the Holy Father affirmed that work is necessary, not only…
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Pope Francis to workers of Turin: ‘No to an economy of waste’

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis’s two-day Apostolic Visit to Turin (June 21-22) began Sunday morning with an audience in Piazza Rebaudengo for a vast array of workers, farmers, and entrepreneurs.  Listen to Devin Watkins’ report: After speeches from local labourers which focused on their daily difficulties, the Holy Father affirmed that work is necessary, not only…
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Pope: the human being is at the centre of development

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday addressed members of the Italian National Federation of the Knights of Labour during an audience at the Vatican.
Listen to Christopher Wells’ report: 

In his address, Pope Francis spoke of some of the economic issues we face in our time, singling out inequality and unemployment – especially among young people. Youth unemployment, he said, “is a true and proper social plague.” The world of labour should welcome young people and the contributions they can make, but instead seems to tell them they are not needed.
Continuing his analysis of contemporary social issues, the Holy Father said the common good cannot be advanced simply by achieving higher profits and greater production. “The social teaching of the Church continually recalls this fundamental criterion: that the human being is at the centre of development,” he said. “As long as men and women remain passive or marginalized, the common good cannot be considered fully achieved.” This, he said, is the social aspect of labour, which must involve people in a way that promotes interdependence, creativity, and commitment.
But, the Pope said, there is also an ethical dimension to labour. Authentic development must be rooted in justice and respect for the law, must avoid all forms of corruption, and must not neglect care for the environment. Justice, the Pope said, is not limited to refraining from iniquity or strict observance of the law – even if these are a necessary beginning. The just person will act conscientiously and with concern for the good of others, taking to heart the condition of the less fortunate and of the poorest among us. “The practice of justice, in this full sense, is what we hope for everyone who works in the economic field, and for all citizens.”
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope: the human being is at the centre of development

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday addressed members of the Italian National Federation of the Knights of Labour during an audience at the Vatican. Listen to Christopher Wells’ report:  In his address, Pope Francis spoke of some of the economic issues we face in our time, singling out inequality and unemployment – especially among young…
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Pope Francis to visit with youth, homeless, inmates in Turin

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis will make a two-day apostolic visit to the northern Italian city of Turin, 21-22 June, which will include a moment of prayer before the Shroud of Turin and a visit to the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of St. John Bosco.
The pope’s packed schedule includes visits of other religious institutions and encounters with various groups of people, generally marginalized by society.
Listen to the report by Laura Ieraci:

It is expected to be another early start for Pope Francis on his two-day visit on Sunday to Turin in northern Italy. Leaving Rome on Sunday at 7 a.m., local time, the Pope is expected to arrive in Turin one hour later and set off immediately on a series of encounters.
His first encounter  is expected to be with workers in a city square, where a farmer, a factory worker and a business owner are expected to extend their greetings to the Pope. After addressing the workers, the Pope is expected to walk to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist nearby, where he will spend a few moments in prayer before the Shroud of Turin, revered by many as the burial cloth of Jesus. He is also expected to spend a few moments in prayer before the altar dedicated to a young blessed, born in Turin, Piergiorgio Frassati.
Thousands are then expected to gather for the outdoor papal Mass, after which the Pope is expected to have lunch in the local archbishop’s residence with some inmates from a juvenile detention centre, some immigrants and homeless people, and a family of Roma people.
After lunch, the Pope will spend some private time in prayer at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Consolata, after which he will head to the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of St. John Bosco, who had the Marian basilica built and who founded the communities of Salesian priests and sisters.
The Pope is then expected to meet with those who suffer from illness and disability in the Church of Cottolengo. His last encounter on Sunday is expected to be with thousands of young people in a large city square.
The pace of his second day in Turin is expected be at a bit slower, starting with an ecumenical meeting with some evangelical pastors at the Valdese Temple. After this meeting, expected to last a little more than an hour, the Pope is expected to return to the archbishop’s residence, where he will meet with some of his relatives in private, celebrate a Mass for them and enjoy lunch together with them.
Pope Francis is expected to land at Rome’s Ciampino Airport at 6:30 p.m., Rome time, on Monday. 
(from Vatican Radio)…