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Month: June 2015

Pope receives Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

(Vatican Radio) This morning, Thursday 11 June 2015, His Holiness Pope Francis received in Audience the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. Following the Audience, Mr Harper met with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States.
In the course of the cordial discussion, the good relations existing between the Holy See and Canada were recognized, as well as the positive spirit of collaboration and dialogue between the federal Government and the Church. In particular, Canada’s commitment to defend and promote religious liberty in the area of fundamental human rights was addressed.
At the conclusion of the conversation some questions of international politics were treated, with reference to Europe and the Middle East and the prospects of peace in that region, as well as the struggle against terrorism and questions related to the environment. 
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope: true Christians set out on a journey of mission, service

(Vatican Radio) Journey, service and giving freely of oneself:  true Christian witness encompasses all of these characteristics.  That’s what Pope Francis stressed in his Homily at Santa Marta Thursday.  The Pope stressed that followers of Jesus are called to serve and to proclaim the Gospel freely – and not to be deceived by the belief…
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Pope to Bishops of Latvia, Estonia: Promote the family

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday received the members of the Episcopal Conference of Latvia and Estonia on their Visit ad limina Apostolorum. In written remarks consigned to the Bishops, Pope Francis noted that the countries of Latvia and Estonia had been oppressed for a long time by regimes founded on ideologies contrary to human…
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Pope Francis to FAO: effective solidarity key to food security

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis received the participants in the 39th international conference of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization on Thursday. The week-long event (June 6-13) brings together roughly 450 participants from scores of countries and every part of the to evaluate the Organization’s recent activities and plan for the work of the coming…
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Pope receives Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

(Vatican Radio) This morning, Thursday 11 June 2015, His Holiness Pope Francis received in Audience the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. Following the Audience, Mr Harper met with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States. In the course of the cordial discussion, the good relations existing between the Holy See and Canada were…
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