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Audience: God hears our cry and makes a covenant with us

Audience: God hears our cry and makes a covenant with us

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday dedicated his weekly General Audience to God’s work of mercy throughout the history of the Chosen people.

Below please find the official English language summary of Pope Francis’ remarks:

Dear Brothers and Sisters:  Continuing our weekly catecheses inspired by this Holy Year devoted to divine mercy, we now consider God’s mercy at work in the history of the Chosen People.  The Scriptures show the Lord’s merciful concern for Israel throughout its history, beginning with the call of Abraham.  God’s mercy is expressed particularly, however, in the experience of the exodus from Egypt.  God heard the cry of his people, as he hears the cry of the poor and oppressed in every age.  He raised up Moses to be the mediator of his mercy and salvation.  Through Moses, he led Israel to freedom and, through the covenant, he made them his own possession, “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Ex 19:5-6), a people precious in his eyes.  The mystery of God’s mercy culminates in the sending of his Son, the Lord Jesus, in that “new and eternal covenant” inaugurated in his blood, whereby we are granted the forgiveness of our sins and become truly God’s children, beloved sons and daughters of our good and merciful Father.

(from Vatican Radio)

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