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Pope sends condolences to Turkey after terror attack

Pope sends condolences to Turkey after terror attack

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has sent a message expressing his closeness to the people of Turkey following a suicide car bombing Sunday evening in Ankara.  At least 37 people died and more than 120 were injured after a car loaded with explosives was detonated near bus stops in the Turkish capital.

In a telegram to  President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin wrote on behalf of the Holy Father that the Pope was “deeply saddened to learn of the injury and tragic loss of life caused by the bombing in Ankara.”

“His Holiness Pope Francis assures the Turkish people of his spiritual closeness and solidarity.  He prays for the eternal rest of those who have died and for all who mourn their loss, as well as for the recovery of those affected by this heinous act of violence.  Mindful of the generous service being rendered by security and emergency personnel, His Holiness invokes the divine blessings of peace, healing and strength upon the nation.”

(from Vatican Radio)

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