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Pope Francis urges those suffering war to have trust in God

Pope Francis urges those suffering war to have trust in God

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis offered words of solidarity for those in the Middle East currently suffering from the wars and violence which are affecting the region.

“How many experiences of exile, expatriation, grief, and persecution that pushes us to doubt even the goodness of God, and His love for us,” Pope Francis said while greeting Arab-speaking pilgrims during his Wednesday general audience.

“Doubt which dissipates in front of the truth that God is faithful, close, and keeps his promise to those who do not doubt Him, and for those who hope against hope,” – the Holy Father continued – “The consolation of the Lord is near to those who pass through the agonizing night of doubt, clinging and hoping for the dawn of the Mercy of God, which the totality of the darkness and injustice will never be able to defeat.”

Pope Francis concluded his remarks by saying: “The Lord bless you all, and protect you from evil!”

(from Vatican Radio)

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