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On Palm Sunday the Pope denounces indifference to the fate of refugees and calls attention to the upcoming world youth meeting in Krakow – Shirking responsibility

On Palm Sunday the Pope denounces indifference to the fate of refugees and calls attention to the upcoming world youth meeting in Krakow – Shirking responsibility

During the Passion, Jesus is denied “every form of justice” and experiences indifference
“in his own flesh”. Thus Pope Francis sees reflected in the image of Christ that of “the many people, so many
outcasts, so many asylum seekers, so many refugees, all of those for whose fate
no one wishes to take responsibility”. 

He shared this thought during the
celebration he presided on Palm Sunday, 20 March, in St Peter’s Square. There
was an immense crowd in attendance, including countless young people, whose
attention he called to the upcoming world meeting scheduled for 26 to 31 July
in Krakow.

Near the obelisk the Pope blessed palm and olive branches
and, at the end of the procession that ended at the parvis of the Vatican
Basilica, he celebrated Mass. In his homily the Pontiff commented on the
narrative of the Lord’s Passion according to Luke, and recommended that in
these days of Holy Week, we gaze often upon the Crucifix, which is the “‘royal
seat of God’, to learn about the humble love which saves and gives life, so
that we may give up all selfishness, and the seeking of power and fame”.

After the Rite Francis led the recitation of the Angelus,
entrusting to St John Paul the final months of preparation for World Youth Day
(WYD), which will be
held in Poland. In the context of the Holy Year of Mercy, WYD will constitute the “Jubilee of young people at
the level of the universal Church”.

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