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Day: March 23, 2016

Pope Francis appeals for condemnation of terrorism

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday said it was with an “aching heart” that he followed the news of the terrorist attacks in Brussels on Tuesday which killed at least 34 people and injured hundreds of others.
The Holy Father was speaking during his weekly general audience.
He assured the families of the victims and all of those injured, as well as all the people of Belgium, of his prayers and spiritual closeness.
“I once again appeal to all people of good will to unite in the unanimous condemnation of these cruel abominations that are causing only death, terror and horror,” Pope Francis said.
“I ask everyone to persevere in prayer and to ask the Lord in this Holy Week to comfort the hearts afflicted and convert the hearts of these people blinded by this cruel fundamentalism,” he continued.
He ended his appeal by leading the crowd in praying a Hail Mary, and asking them to pray, in silence, for the dead, wounded, their families, and for all the Belgian people.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis: Easter Triduum speaks of God’s love and mercy

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis spoke about the upcoming Easter Triduum during his Wednesday General Audience.
Here is the English language summary of his remarks.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:  As we prepare to celebrate the Paschal Triduum in this Holy Year of Mercy, we are invited in a special way to contemplate the revelation of God’s infinite mercy in the events of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection.  Tomorrow, Holy Thursday, Jesus gives himself to us as food and, in the washing of feet, teaches us the need to serve others.  On Good Friday, in the mystery of Christ’s death on the cross, we contemplate that undying divine love which embraces all mankind and summons us in turn to love one another in the power of the Spirit.  Holy Saturday, the day of God’s silence, invites us not only to solidarity with all who are abandoned and alone, but also to trust in that faithful love which turns death into life.  These, then, are days which speak to us powerfully of God’s love and mercy.  In one of her visions, Julian of Norwich hears the Lord say that he rejoices eternally because he was able to suffer for our sake out of love.  Let us prepare then to celebrate the coming days with gratitude for this great mystery of God’s mercy, poured out for us on the cross of our salvation.
Pope Francis then made special greetings to English-speaking pilgrims:
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, including those from Ireland, Australia, Indonesia, Japan and the United States.  With cordial good wishes for a blessed Easter, I invoke upon you and your fmailies the loving mercy of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  God bless you all!
(from Vatican Radio)…

"Women and men of mercy": March 24 the Day of Missionary Martyrs

Rome – Every year since 1993 the “Day of Prayer and Fasting in Memory of Missionary Martyrs is celebrated on 24 March, thanks to the initiative of the Youth Missionary Movement of the Italian Pontifical Mission Societies”. On March 24, 1980 Mgr. Oscar Arnulfo Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador was assassinated, he was beatified on May 23, 2015, and on this annual day of prayer and fasting we remember how many in the world shed their blood for the Gospel. This year’s celebration coincides with Holy Thursday, so the community can also celebrate it on another date which is considered more suitable. The Day is now celebrated in different Countries around the world, promoted by dioceses, religious institutions and missionary realities. In the special Jubilee of mercy that we are living, the Day 2016 has the theme “Women and men of mercy”. As Father Michael Antuoro, Director of Missio Italy writes, “they are the ones who ‘lived the richness of Jesus’ mission that resonates in the words of the Prophet: to bring a word and gesture of consolation to the poor, to proclaim liberty to those bound by new forms of slavery in modern society, to restore sight to those who can see no more because they are caught up in themselves, to restore dignity to all those from whom it has been robbed’ . Jesus is the merciful face of the Father, in Him the faces of Fr. Andrea Santoro, Mgr. Oscar Romero, Fr. Sandro Dordi … .. and many who, like pieces of a mosaic, make up and reveal the icon of a father who is rich of mercy”. The material aid prepared for the animation of the Day, downloadable from Missio Italy site, includes a theological reflection on the theme, the profiles of the four missionaries killed and the list of missionaries killed in 2015. Link correlati : Material aid for the animation of the Day…