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Pope Francis: Be missionaries of God’s love

Pope Francis: Be missionaries of God’s love

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has put a video on his Instagram account. It went up on Divine Mercy Sunday. It was a short clip taken from his video-message to the Cuban people ahead of his visit in September 2015.

“I want to be among you as a missionary of the mercy and tenderness of God.” – Pope Francis said – “But allow me to encourage you, too, to be missionaries of this infinite love of God. May no one be without the witness of our faith, of our love. May everyone know that God always forgives, that God is always at our side, that God loves us.”

The Instagram account of Pope Francis was launched on 19 March, 2016, and currently has over 2 million followers. The account reached 1 million followers faster than any other account in history.

(from Vatican Radio)

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