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Pope’s visit to Lesbos ‘marked by sadness’

Pope’s visit to Lesbos ‘marked by sadness’

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has described his visit to Lesbos as one marked by sadness.

To the some 50 journalists and media operators accompanying him on the papal plane on Saturday morning, the Pope pointed out that generally during apostolic visits there is the “joy of encounter”.

This visit, he said is different: “we are going to meet the worst humanitarian catastrophe since the second world war”.

He said “we will see many people who are suffering, who do not know where to go, who have had to flee”.

The Pope also said he will be visiting a cemetery: the sea.

To the journalists on board he said: “Many people have drowned. I say this is not to be bitter, but so that your work today may express the feelings with which I am undertaking this journey”.

Finally, thanking all for their work, Pope Francis had a special thought and a request for a prayer for the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who today is celebrating his 89th birthday.  

(from Vatican Radio)

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