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Month: July 2016

Pope Francis visits Auschwitz-Birkenau museum and memorial

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday morning paid an emotional visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial and museum, the site of a Nazi concentration and extermination camp where more than 1.1 million people, mostly Jews, were put to death during the Second World War.
Prior to his visit to the camp, the Pope decided he would not give a speech, saying he preferred to enter alone, in silent prayer. “I would like to go to that place of horror without speeches, without crowds — only the few people necessary,” he explained. “Alone, enter, pray. And may the Lord give me the grace to cry.”
Lydia O’Kane is in Poland with Pope Francis, and sends this report:

For the Pope, this visit to the former Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was to be one of silence and prayer.
The only sounds to the heard were the shutters of the ever present cameras as a solemn Pope Francis walked alone through the infamous gate that reads “ Arbeit macht frei ” – “work sets you free”.
The Pope was then driven in an electric car to the notorious block 11, also known as the death block where Franciscan priest, Fr Maximillian Kolbe was killed after offering up his life for a complete stranger 75 years ago. You could hear a pin drop as the Pope sat in prayer with his eyes firmly closed in this place of suffering.
In one of the most poignant moments of this visit to Auschwitz I, the Pope met with survivors of this camp of terror, now elderly men and women who are the living witnesses to the horrors that took place here.
He greeted each one with a kiss on both cheeks and clasped their hands. Then holding a candle the Pope lit a lamp he had donated.
Following a prayerful visit to Maximillian Kolbe’s cell, Pope Francis made the 10 minute journey to Auschwitz II Birkenau, which was built in 1941 and saw the extermination of Jews on a massive scale. He saw for himself the train tracks and carriages that brought hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths and the now burnt out gas chambers that extinguished so many lives.
Then with a rabbi chanting Psalm 130 in Hebrew, this visit of reflection and prayer drew to a close with Pope Francis laying a votive lamp at the foot of the monument commemorating those people who never came home.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis sends video message for young people in Havana

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Friday sent a video message for young Cubans who organized their own youth gathering to coincide with the official World Youth Day events in Krakow, Poland. In his message the Pope praised the young people for taking this initiative and urged them to unite together in “a social friendship,” regardless of their differences and be “carriers of hope” and “builders of bridges.”
Around 1,400 young Cubans are taking part in their own youth gathering in the capital Havana that’s being attended by young people who for economic reasons cannot afford to travel to the WYD in Poland. They have adopted the same themes as the WYD in Krakow and the event includes catechesis sessions, a Way of the Cross procession and passing through the Holy Door. 
Pope Francis told the young Cubans that he trusted this event will be an opportunity to promote a culture of encounter, respect, understanding and mutual forgiveness. He went on to urge them “not to be afraid of anything” and “to free themselves from the chains of this world” to announce the Good News.
Saying they must be “carriers of hope, the Pope told the young Cubans that in order to be this, they must retain their ability to dream, warning that whoever can’t dream is already like an old-age pensioner.
“Do not be afraid, do not be fussy or choosy,” he declared. “Dream that through your help, Cuba can be different and improve each day.”
Turning to the importance of hope, Pope Francis said hope brings people together to build “a social friendship,” and stressed that it isn’t necessary for them to all think alike to do this. What is important, he said, is that they all share “that desire to dream” and that “love for their nation” and together they can “build bridges” by stretching out their hands to others.   
(from Vatican Radio)…

Holy See to UN: Remember role of religion in Africa peacebuilding

(Vatican Radio) The Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, Archbishop Bernardito Auza, on Thursday addressed the UN Security Council about the role that grassroots movements, faith-based organizations and local communities play in conflict prevention and peacebuilding on the continent of Africa.
He was speaking during an open debate on Peacebuilding in Africa.
“The Catholic Church in Africa contributes directly to conflict prevention and  peacebuilding  through  the  capillary  presence  of  its  tens  of  thousands  of  institutions, like hospitals and dispensaries, schools and other centers of formation. Catholic humanitarian and charitable agencies work in all countries of Africa in various arenas, such as fostering village dialogues, providing emergency assistance and building small business capacities,” the Archbishop said.
He also called on the United Nations to help stop the arms trade on the continent.
“The proliferation of weapons simply aggravates situations of conflict  and  results  in  a  huge  human  and  material  cost,  which  profoundly  undermines  the search  for  peace,” – Archbishop Auza said – “Peacebuilding can only be effective if human rights are promoted and fostered, if the human dignity of every human being is recognized and protected, and if we all stick together in mutual solidarity, leaving no one behind.”
The full text of Archbishop Auza’s intervention is below
Intervention of H.E. Archbishop Bernardito Auza
Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations
United Nations Security Council Open Debate on
Peacebuilding in Africa
New York, 28 July 2016
Mr. President,
My delegation wishes to thank Japan’s Presidency of the Security Council for convening this Open Debate on Peacebuilding in Africa.
The divergent results of peacebuilding efforts in African countries in post-conflict situations suggest that there is not a  single model of peacebuilding. Some countries have gained peace and stability and achieved sustained growth, while others continue to wallow in the mire of extreme poverty and unstable if not nonexistent institutions.
Quick-impact interventions like providing food security and basic health-care immediately after a conflict, medium-range initiatives like heavy investment in jobs creation, and long-term programs like institution-building are clearly important pillars to kick-start and sustain peacebuilding.
In addition to these, many other elements must come into play to achieve sustainable peace. My delegation would like to mention first of all the role that grassroots movements, faith-based organizations and local communities play in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. They enjoy concrete knowledge of local realities and immediate interactions  with the local population.
They empower individuals and societies at a local level, identify and nurture new leaders, and rally communities to work together for the  greater common good. They get results that local individuals and communities can easily relate to and identify with.
In this regard, the Catholic Church in Africa contributes directly to conflict prevention and peacebuilding through the capillary presence of its tens of thousands of institutions, like hospitals and dispensaries, schools and other centers of formation. Catholic humanitarian and charitable agencies work in all countries of Africa in various arenas, such as fostering village dialogues, providing emergency assistance and building small business capacities. The Holy See oversees this vast network of quick-impact, medium-term and long-term programs to foster the best possible levels of education and health-care, and to assure continuing efforts to prevent conflict and to build peace through dialogue and integral human development.
Indeed, the Holy See believes that to achieve sustainable peace, it is necessary to bring people together concretely in dialogue, so that opposing positions can be fairly and equally heard and agreed solutions can be found and implemented. It is only through dialogue and negotiation that peoples and nations feel that they are active protagonists of their own peace efforts. Without a collective sense of ownership and attachment to initiatives that concern them, such initiatives would always be considered as something imposed from outside.
The Holy See believes that all peace processes and peacebuilding efforts must go beyond formal negotiations, no matter how indispensable these may be. Formal diplomatic efforts must be accompanied by all forms of “informal diplomacies,” from dialogue among clans and tribes to collaboration among religions and other civil society stakeholders, from discussions between nomadic and settled communities to fair trade talks about Africa’s enormous natural resources at the level of Governments and multinational corporations. Some African countries have achieved sustained peace and development because they have been able to harness “informal and track II diplomacies” fruitfully in a way that complements the formal diplomacy of States and multilateral bodies, thus helping communities and peoples to accept and assimilate the efforts of formal negotiations.
Particularly important to peacebuilding, moreover, are the contributions of women and youth. The Holy See commends the efforts of this Council and of National Governments to arrive at a fuller recognition of the vital role of women in preventive diplomacy, mediation and the peacebuilding process. Similarly, the Holy See commends the United Nations and nongovernmental organizations for recognizing youth as active stakeholders, participants, leaders and partners in the peace process.
Mr. President,
Conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts require, more often than not, considerably more resources than ending wars and civil strife. They demand perseverance, long-term vision and commitment. They are consolidated through thousands of daily actions that are the building blocks of just and peaceful societies. They are achieved when leaders and citizens transcend selfish interests for the common good, reject a spirit of vengeance and take the path of healing and reconciliation.
In this context, it is vital to press for greater progress in disarmament efforts and in checking the legal and illegal arms trade. The proliferation of weapons simply aggravates situations of conflict and results in a huge human and material cost, which profoundly undermines the search for peace. It is the responsibility of the entire international community to further incentivise concrete efforts in this area and to support the commitment of civil society and of religious institutions aimed at preventing conflict.
Peacebuilding can only be effective if human rights are promoted and fostered, if the human dignity of every human being is recognized and protected, and if we all stick together in mutual solidarity, leaving no one behind. In a visit to a favela in Rio de Janeiro three years ago, Pope Francis said: “No amount of  ‘peace-building’ will be able to last, nor will harmony and happiness be attained, in a society that ignores, pushes to the margins, or excludes a part of itself; it loses something essential. We must never, never allow the throwaway culture to enter our hearts! … No one is disposable!”
At the end of the day, no amount of conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts will succeed if the human person is not the heart of every consideration.
Thank you, Mr. President.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope’s advice to newlyweds

Young people on Thursday evening chanted and sang songs awaiting Pope Francis to come to the window of the Archbishop’s residence in Krakow and when he came out, the Square below erupted with cheers.
This evening’s remarks were directed at newly married couples and the Pope joked, they say today there is a good group here, in this square, newlyweds.”
He commended young men and women for having the courage to commit to marriage and because he said “it is not easy to form a family.”
The pope said that he sometimes is asked how married couples can surmount varies difficulties and he suggested that three words are always used, pardon, thanks, and forgiveness.
Marriage, the Pope stressed “is something so beautiful, so beautiful that we must preserve it, because it is forever.”
There will always be quarrels, but do not be afraid when this happens, underlined Pope Francis.

This is my advice, he said, “never finish the day without making peace. And you know why? Because the cold war the next day is very dangerous.”
The Holy Father concluded, “I invite you, before receiving the blessing, to pray for all the families present here, for newlyweds, for those who are already married for a long time.”
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope to young people: ‘Mercy has a youthful face’

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis reached out to over a million young people gathered at Krakow’s Blonia Park on Thursday urging them to share God’s merciful love.
He was speaking during a welcome ceremony for young people attending the 31st World Youth Day in a giant park near Krakow.
Vatican Radio’s Lydia O’Kane is in Krakow with Pope Francis and sent us this report:

Despite persistent rain at Blonia meadows, nothing could dampen the spirits of the over 1 million World Youth Day pilgrims who had gathered to be with Pope Francis.
The Pope arrived to this welcome ceremony by tram which had been especially customised for the occasion in the Vatican colours of yellow and white.
His final stop was at Blonia and as he entered these grounds the party really got started. Taking to the podium the Pope was welcomed by a group of young people in a number of languages.
Then the Holy Father was treated to an evening which included traditional Polish dance, vibrant songs and the presentation of the images of a number of saints from the continents represented at this youth event
Against the backdrop of Jesus, Divine Mercy and drawings of the patrons of this World Youth Day, St John Paul II and St Faustina Kowalska, Pope Francis told the youth of the world gathered that, “mercy has a youthful face” adding, “we are going to make this World Youth Day an authentic Jubilee celebration.”
The Pope then told them that in his years as a bishop, he learned one thing.  “Nothing is more beautiful than seeing the enthusiasm, dedication, zeal and energy with which so many young people live their lives.”
He also underlined that it pained him to meet young people who seemed to have “thrown in the towel”.
To find fulfilment, to gain new strength, there is a way, Pope Francis said. “His name is Jesus Christ.”
As this welcome ceremony drew to a close it seemed that the youth here where determined to take Pope Francis at his words from the night before, to do what young people do, to go out during these nights and make noise. 
(from Vatican Radio)…