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Month: July 2016

Pope Francis sends video message to the young people of Brownsville

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has released a video message to the young people of the US Diocese of Brownsville.
The Diocese of Brownsville lies on the Mexican border and is considered one of the most impoverished areas of the United States. The gathering of young people was organized to coincide with World Youth Day, which is taking place in Krakow, Poland and to mark the Feast of Saint Anne, the patron of the Parish where the event is taking place.  

Pope Francis’s message to the young people of Diocese of Brownsville (Texas):
Dear young people of the Diocese of Brownsville, gathered on the feast day of Saint Anne, the grandmother of Jesus. I know that you are gathered in Texas, very close to Mexico, very close to Latin America. And I know that you are gathered to come together spiritually with World Youth  Day in Krakow. I want to be close to you. I want to tell you to always look forward, always look towards the horizon, don’t let life put walls in front of you, always look at the horizon. Always have courage to want more, more, more … with courage, but, at the same time, do not forget to look back to the heritage you have received from your ancestors, from your grandparents, from your parents; to the legacy of faith that you now have in your hands, as you look forward.
I know that some of you will ask me: “Father, yes, you tell us to look at the horizon and to remember things, but today, what do I do?” Play life to the full! Today, take life as it comes and do good to others. In the world today, a game is being played out in which there is no room for substitutes: either you’re in the team or you’re out. Take the memories you’ve inherited, look towards the horizon and today, grasp life and carry it forward, use it productively, make it fruitful. God calls you to be fruitful! God calls you to transmit this life to others. God calls you to create hope. God calls you to receive mercy and show mercy to others. God calls you to be happy. Do not be afraid! Do not be afraid. Play life to the full! That is life.
I wish you a good meeting of young people, united to World Youth Day, united with young people who are in Krakow. Live enthusiastically and go forward! May the Virgin Mary take great care of you and may Jesus bless you. And please do not forget to pray for me. Thank you.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Atmosphere in Krakow on eve of Pope Francis’ arrival there

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis begins a 5-day pastoral visit to Poland tomorrow during which he will attend the World Youth Day gathering in the city of Krakow and also visit the former Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz–Birkenhau.  Other highlights of his journey include a visit to the revered Monastery of Jasna Gora at Czestochowa where the Pope will celebrate a Mass marking the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland.
Our correspondent in Krakow covering this papal visit is Lydia O’Kane and she filed this report on the atmosphere in the city on the eve of the Pope’s arrival:  

(from Vatican Radio)…

?An eighty-four year old priest brutally murdered by Islamic terrorists during Mass in a Church in Normandy – The seed of hate

Paris, 26. Schock and horror at the “absurd
violence”, radical condemnation for “every form of hatred” and prayer for the
victims. These were the first sentiments expressed by Pope Francis – through
the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr Federico Lombardi – at yet another episode of jihadist terror in
Francis, barely two weeks from the attack in Nice of 14 July. Two men armed
with knives broke into a church in
Saint-Étienne-du Rouvray, near Rouen, during the celebration of Holy
Mass and killed the parish priest after holding him hostage along with two
sisters and three members of the faithful, one of whom was also stabbed and is
in critical condition. The so-called Islamic State (IS) has claimed
responsibility for the attack, confirming that it was carried out by two
“soldiers” from the fundamentalist group. Upon learning the tragic news, Pope Francis
– in a telegram to the Archbishop of Rouen, Dominique Lebrun, signed by his
Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin – wished to assure him of “his spiritual closeness” and that he
joined in “prayer for the suffering of family members, of the pain of the
parish and the diocese of Rouen”. In his message the Pontiff “invokes God, the
merciful Father, that he welcome the Abott Jacque Hamel into the peace of his
light and that he bring comfort to the wounded”. The Holy Father said he was
“particularly shaken by this act of violence that took place in a church,
during the celebration of Mass, a liturgical act that implores God for peace on
this earth. He asks the Lord to inspire all to thoughts of reconciliation and

Pope Francis horrified by ‘barbarous’ attack on French Church

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis is horrified and shocked by an attack in a church in Rouen, in northern France, where a priest was slain and another hostage was seriously wounded..
A statement released by Fr Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office said: “we are particularly shocked because this horrible violence took place in a Church, in which God’s love is announced, with the barbarous killing of a priest and the involvement of the faithful”.
Fr Lombardi also said the Pope shares the pain and the horror caused by this absurd violence and expresses firm condemnation of every form of hatred and prays for the victims. 
Two attackers entered the church of  Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray during Mass on Tuesday morning, taking the elderly priest and four other people hostage before being shot dead by French police.
There were no immediate details on the identity or motives of the two assailants but the investigation was handed to the anti-terrorist unit of the Paris prosecutor’s office.
In his statement Fr Lombardi commented on the fact that the terrible news is unfortunately the latest in a series of violent attacks in the past days which have created immense pain and preoccupation.
Father Lombardi said the Pope is close to the Church in France, to the Archdiocese of Rouen, to the local community and to the French people.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Final preparations for WYD in Krakow

(Vatican Radio) The final preparations are underway in Krakow for World Youth Day which begins on the 26th of July. While the city prepares for Pope Francis, the finishing touches are being made to many of the areas the Pope will visit over the course of the celebration. Dorata Abdelmoula is the spokesperson for World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow and spoke to Lydia O’Kane.

“All over Krakow we can already see that World Youth Day is approaching”, Dorata says, adding that everything is almost ready at Campus Misericordia where Pope Francis will celebrate  the final Mass. She says, “it’s not very sophisticated because we’re trying to maintain the spirituality of Pope Francis, it’s a pretty simple construction but a I think a beautiful one.” Another theme, she notes which is very much in evidence is the Divine Mercy “and the spiritual heart of this World Youth Day will be the Shrine of the Divine Mercy.”
Young people are coming from all over the world to participate in this youth event and Dorata says apart from the registrations they have already received, they are expecting a last minute influx into the city.
“Up to now we have got more than 560,000 registered pilgrims who have declared their presence. For the opening Mass we expect about 500.000 pilgrims…and then the number will increase, we expect about 800,000 for the Way of the Cross on Friday, about 1 million pilgrims for the vigil of the Holy Father  at Campus Misericordia and between 1.5 million and 1.8m pilgrims for the final Mass.”
The terrible events recently in Nice as well as in Brussels and Paris have highlighted the need for vigilance at major events. The WYD spokesperson stresses that security is a top priority and vetting procedures have been thorough for World Youth Day. “From the very beginning we are also preparing all the World Youth Day events as well in the diocese as here in Krakow with the great help of our government, of the local authorities of all the national and international security services.” She goes on to says that, “after all those tragic events in Europe, not only the number of pilgrims didn’t decrease, but also we have felt more solidarity among young people. We have received so many heartwarming declarations from all over the world that young people feel even more invited to gather to testify their faith…”
Information and assistance for pilgrims
Regarding information and assistance for those who are coming as tourists as well as pilgrims, help is at hand in the form of many volunteers giving their time during the event. “Volunteers are eager to help and eager to give all the logistic and practical information,” says Dorata, and she adds that “almost every single diocese has got an account on social media but also a website. In Krakow itself there is an app available and there will be many information points throughout the city run by volunteers.”
World Youth Day runs from the 26-31st July 2016
(from Vatican Radio)…