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Pope Francis to cardiologists: work for authentic human good

Pope Francis to cardiologists: work for authentic human good

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis addressed the participants in a major international gathering of the European Society of Cardiology on Wednesday. The 5-day World Congress of the European Society of Cardiology has been meeting in Rome at the city’s New Fairgrounds since August 27th to explore the role of teamwork in researching, diagnosing and treating cardiovascular illness. Pope Francis spoke to the participants on the final day of their convention.

In his remarks, the Holy Father reaffirmed the Church’s constant support for and recognition of the importance of scientific research and care for the scientists who carry it out. “Nature, in all its complexity, and the human mind, are created by God; their richness must be studied by skilled men and women, in the knowledge that the advancement of the philosophical and empirical sciences, as well as professional care in favour of the weakest and most infirm, is a service that is part of God’s plan,” he said.

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The Pope went on to say, “The sciences alone, however, whether natural or physical, are not sufficient to understand the mystery contained within each person: when man is viewed in his totality,” he continued, “we are able to have a profound understanding of the poorest, those most in need, and the marginalized.”

Pope Francis stressed that such a vision needs to inform research and caregiving, if they are really to serve authentic human flourishing. “In this way,” he said, “the [poor, needy, and marginalized] will benefit from your care and the support and assistance offered by the public and private health sectors.”

(from Vatican Radio)

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