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Goa to host international film festival on Mother Teresa

Goa to host international film festival on Mother Teresa

The Catholic Church in Goa, India is hosting a  six day Mother Teresa International Film Festival starting from January 5. The Festival  will screen Indian and international films based on the life and work of the Albanian-born saint.

A press statement issued by the Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media, Goa, said that the aim of the festival “is to make known the life and works of Mother Teresa so that all may be inspired by her life to serve the society”.

The event is a part of a series of celebratory events being organised by the Church in honour of Mother Teresa, the statement added. As part of the festival, films will be screened at venues in Panaji as well as in Margao.

Some of the films which will be screened at the six-day festival, which kicks off on January 5, are “In the name of God’s poor” (USA), “All for God’s Love” (India), “Mother Teresa and Me” (UK), “The Fifth World” (Spain) and “Nirmal Hriday” (India). (UCAN)

(from Vatican Radio)

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