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Pope Francis to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See – Placing people at the centre of migratory policies

Pope Francis to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See – Placing people at the centre of migratory policies

In his speech to the diplomatic corps
accredited to the Holy See, Pope Francis dedicated the most significant
passages to “the grave crisis of migration which we
are facing”. The diplomats had gathered in the Regia Hall on Monday morning, 11
January, for the traditional audience at the beginning of the year. The choice
was motivated by the Pope’s wish to help discern the causes of the crisis and “consider possible solutions”,
in order to defeat “the inevitable fears associated with this massive and
formidable phenomenon”.

customary, the meeting offered the Pontiff the opportunity for a broad
international overview. It was preceded by a
meaningful report on the results of the Holy See’s diplomatic efforts in
2015, a year in which the number of ambassadors residing in Rome increased and
in which important international agreements were reached. The work found new
motivations and perspectives in the “common thread”
of mercy indicated by Pope Francis to the Church and to the world with the
induction of the extraordinary Jubilee. The Pontiff reaffirmed the need to “to
set out anew and resume dialogue” and to reject every attempt to use religion as
reason to “kill in the name of God”, as has happened in the recent terrorist
attacks in in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

to current global complexities laden with “challenges” and “more than a few tensions”, the Pope focused attention on the
migratory phenomenon in which, he observed, the consequences of the great
humanitarian tragedies afflicting the planet have become concentrated: wars,
violations of human rights, religious-based persecution, extreme poverty,
malnutrition, climate change. All are tragic situations that fuel events of
genuine mass exodus, forcing millions of men, women and children to flee their
lands in order to escape violence and “unspeakable acts of cruelty towards
vulnerable persons”.

“Many of the causes of migration” — Francis realistically
observed — “could have been addressed some time ago”. Yet today too, there is much that “could be done to end these tragedies and to build peace”.
However, this can be accomplished only if we have the courage to call into
question “entrenched habits and practices”, starting with “the arms trade, the
provision of raw materials and energy, investment, policies of financing and
sustainable development”. According to the Pontiff there is a need for “for
mid-term and long-term planning which is not limited to emergency responses”,
and which has the twofold intent to provide “effective assistance for
integrating migrants in their receiving countries” and to promote “the
development of their countries of origin through policies inspired by

While the massive number of arrivals in Europe seem to be
overburdening the system of reception, Francis encouraged the Old Continent not
to lose “the values and principles of humanity”, while safeguarding the right
balance between the “moral responsibility to protect the rights of its
citizens” and the need to “ensure assistance and acceptance to migrants”. They
in turn have “the responsibility to respect the values, traditions and laws of
the community which takes them in”. The Pope expressed particular gratitude to
those countries, Italy among them, who have demonstrated generosity to
refugees: “It is important”, he stated, “that nations in the forefront of
meeting the present emergency not be left alone”.

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