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Pope Francis prays Istanbul bombing victims

Pope Francis prays Istanbul bombing victims

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his “prayerful solidarity” with victims of Saturday’s bomb attack in Istanbul. 

In a telegramme addressed to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said Pope Francis “[grieved] to learn of the casualties caused by the bombing in Istanbul yesterday morning, and he expresses his prayerful solidarity with all touched by this tragedy.” 

Below, please find the full text of the telegramme: 

His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdo?an
President of the Republic of Turkey

His Holiness Pope Francis grieves to learn of the casualties caused by the bombing in Istanbul yesterday morning, and he expresses his prayerful solidarity with all touched by this tragedy.  His Holiness asks you to convey his spiritual closeness to them, as well as to the personnel assisting the injured.  Commending the souls of those who have died to the mercy of the Almighty, Pope Francis invokes divine strength and peace upon those who mourn, and upon the entire nation. 


                                                                         Cardinal Pietro Parolin
                                                                         Secretary of State

(from Vatican Radio)

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