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AB Welby on Bartholomew’s legacy of dialogue, reconciliation

AB Welby on Bartholomew’s legacy of dialogue, reconciliation

(Vatican Radio) Among the world’s religious leaders gathered in Assisi on Tuesday for the World Day of Prayer for Peace is the Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, Justin Welby.

The Anglican leader was moderating one of the many panel discussions organised by the St Edigio community as part of a three day international meeting focused on the theme ‘Thirst for peace – religions and cultures in dialogue’. Since the first Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi, called for by Pope John Paul II exactly 30 years ago, St Egidio has  organised an annual interfaith encounter to highlight the vital role of dialogue among all people of faith in promoting peace in the world.


Archbishop Welby was joined by the founder of the St Egidio community, Andrea Riccardi, by the former head of the Vatican’s Council for Christian Unity, Cardinal Walter Kasper, by Jewish interfaith expert, Rabbi David Rosen and by Italy’s deputy foreign minister Mario Giro to discuss the leadership role of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew over the past quarter of a century. The spiritual leader of the Orthodox world has played a key part in promoting better relations with other Christian churches and other faith communities, as well as serving as a prophetic voice for the role of religions in protection of the environment.

Just after the panel discussion, Vatican Radio’s Massimiliano Menichetti spoke briefly with Archbishop Welby who described Patriarch Bartholomew “a man of such deep spiritual life and reconciliation in so many areas”.

Asked about the meaning of dialogue, the Anglican leader said for him it is the art of “very careful listening, more than lots of speaking”.

Quoting the Orthodox leader, Archbishop Welby said “my wish for the future is that we have a breakthrough in ecumenism within the church, a breakthrough towards recognizing our common discipleship in Jesus Christ”.

That future goal will be at the top of the agenda here in the Vatican when Archbishop Welby comes for a two day encounter with Pope Francis in just a couple of weeks time

(from Vatican Radio)

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