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Pope Francis sends condolences on death of Card. Tettamanzi

(Vatican Radio) Following the death of Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi , Pope Francis has sent a telegram of condolence to A rchbishop Mario Delpini , Archbishop-elect of Milan.
“I think with affection and remember with gratitude the intense cultural and pastoral work accomplished by this praiseworthy brother, who in his fruitful life has borne witness with joy to the Gospel, and docilely served the Church,” the Pope said. He remembered Cardinal Tettamanzi’s service “first as a priest of the Archdiocese of Milan, then as Bishop of Ancona-Osimo, secretary of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, and Archbishop of Genoa, later as Archbishop of the beloved Ambrosian Church, and finally as Apostolic Administrator of Vigevano.”
Cardinal Tettamanzi, Pope Francis said, “always distinguished himself as a caring pastor, totally dedicated to the needs and well-being” of his priests and people. In particular, he noted the Cardinal’s expertise in the fields of family , marriage , and bioethics .
Concluding the telegram, Pope Francis prayed “that, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” the Lord “might welcome this His faithful servant, whom I loved so much, into joy and eternal peace.” 
(from Vatican Radio)…

Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi dies at age of 83

(Vatican Radio)  Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi passed away on Saturday at the age of 83 after a long illness.
He served as Archbishop of Milan, Italy from 2002 until 2011.
Born in the northern Italian town of Renate on 14 March 1934, he entered the Seminary of Venegono Inferiore and received priestly ordination for the Archdiocese of Milan in 1957.
He earned his Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University.
Pope St. John Paul II named him Cardinal on 21 February 1998.
After serving as the Archbishop of Ancona-Osimo and then of Genova, he was appointed Archbishop of Milan in 2002.
With Cardinal Tettamanzi’s death, the College of Cardinals stands at 121 Cardinal-electors and 102 non-electors.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis sends letter to papal envoy at Oscar Romero centenary

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has sent a letter to his special envoy at the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero, Cardinal Andrello Ricardo Ezzati of Santiago de Chile.
Cardinal Ezzati was chosen to represent Pope Francis at the centenary celebrations in San Salvador, El Salvador, which take place on 15 August.
He will be accompanied at the event by Msgr. Rafael Edgardo Urrutia Herrera, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, and Don Reinaldo Sorto Martìnez, parish priest of San José de la Montaña.
Click here to find out more about Blessed Romero.
Please find the full letter (in Latin) below:
Venerabili Fratri Nostro
Archiepiscopo Metropolitae Sancti Iacobi in Chile
Centum mox anni complentur ab ortu beati Ansgarii Arnolfi Romero, episcopi et martyris, illustris pastoris et testis Evangelii, clari defensoris Ecclesiae et dignitatis hominis. Dilectae terrae Salvatoriae filius gentibus aetatis nostrae de salvifica opera Domini nostri Iesu Christi loquitur eiusque amore erga omnes, potissimum pauperes, derelictos et a societate segregatos. Tum in sacerdotali tum in episcopali navitate singularem progressionem spiritalem ostendit atque iustitiam, reconciliationem et pacem propagavit.
Nos, qui ei beatorum honores decrevimus, laeto omnino animo notitiam accepimus Episcopos Salvatoriae simul cum clero fidelique populo in urbe Sancti Salvatoris in America die XV proximi mensis Augusti, in Assumptione videlicet Beatae Mariae Virginis, centesimam anniversariam memoriam ortus beati Ansgarii Arnolfi celebraturos esse, ad sibi suisque fidelibus divina dona per intercessionem huius martyris exposcendum. Fausta hac occasione data, sacri Pastores Salvatoriae in Conferentia mense Ianuario huius anni congregati humanissime Nosmet Ipsos invitaverunt ut sollemni huic celebrationi praeessemus. Grati omnino de invitatione, aliquem
tamen eminentem decrevimus Virum seligere, qui Nostras vices in dicta urbe gerat.
Ad Te quidem, Venerabilis Frater Noster, decurrimus, qui Metropolitanam Sedem Sancti Iacobi in Chile per Evangelii semitas diligenter ducis quique dignus Nobis videris ad id munus fructuose explendum. Te igitur hisce Litteris MISSUM EXTRAORDINARIUM NOSTRUM nominamus ad celebrationem centesimae anniversariae memoriae ortus beati Ansgarii Arnolfi Romero, episcopi et martyris, quae illo die in urbe Sancti Salvatoris in America sollemni modo agetur. De pondere vitae testimoniique beati loquens, omnes adstantes adhortaberis ut praecepta Domini servent, novis viribus novaque diligentia peculiarem dilectionem Christi Ecclesiae et Evangelii, Beata Maria Virgine intercedente, demonstrent atque (idei zelo in vita cotidiana ferveant, iustam et nobilem societatem aedificantes.
Rogamus Te etiam ut nomine Nostro omnes ibi congregatos salutes, Archiepiscopum praesertim Sancti Salvatoris in America ceterosque sacros Pastores, sacerdotes, religiosos viros ac mulieres, christifideles laicos, vicissim Nostram cum beati cultoribus necessitudinem significes.
Nos autem Te, Venerabilis Frater Noster, in tua missione implenda precibus comitabimur. Denique Benedictionem Nostram
Apostolicam libentes Tibi impertimur, signum Nostrae erga te benevolentiae et caelestium donorum pignus, quam omnibus celebrationis participibus velis transmittere; a cunctis vicissim preces expostulamus, ut pergrave Petrinum munus secundum divinam voluntatem diligenter adimpleamus.
Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die XVIII mensis Iulii, anno MMXVII, Pontificatus Nostri quinto.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Bulletin for 8/06/2017

Bulletin for 08/06/2017

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for August: ‘For artists’

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has released a video message accompanying his monthly prayer intention for August.
This month’s intention is for artists: “That artists of our time, though their creativity, may help us discover the beauty of creation.”

The text of the video message reads:
The arts give expression to the beauty of the faith and proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God’s creation.
When we admire a work of art or a marvel of nature, we discover how everything speaks to us of Him and of His love.
That artists of our time, though their creativity, may help us discover the beauty of creation.
The Pope’s  Worldwide Prayer Network of the Apostleship of Prayer  developed the “Pope Video” initiative to assist in the worldwide dissemination of monthly intentions of the Holy Father in relation to the challenges facing humanity.
(from Vatican Radio)…