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Pope: ‘the only values that endure are God and neighbour’

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has issued a warning against the “anaesthetized” consciences of those who see the poor and needy as a burden instead of as brothers and sisters to be helped.
Celebrating Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica for some 6000 poor and homeless people from countries in Europe and Africa, the Pope said “We should be worried when our consciences are anaesthetized and we no longer see a brother or sister suffering at our side, or notice the grave problems in our world, which become a mere refrain familiar from the headlines on the evening news.”
Sunday’s celebration concluded the Holy Year’s Jubilee for the Socially Excluded which saw charity groups bringing poor and homeless people to the Vatican for the occasion. Pope Francis held a special audience on Friday with over 4000 poor people whom he said “are at the heart of the Gospel”. 
And they – the poor- whom Pope Francis said should be seen as “concrete people, not useless objects but precious persons” were the ones seated in the front pews of the Basilica during Mass on Sunday morning when Francis pointed out that God and neighbor are the most valuable riches in life, while “all the rest, even this Basilica, pass away”.
With a stern warning against today’s culture of waste, he said “It is the symptom of a spiritual sclerosis when we are only interested in objects to be produced rather than in persons to be loved. This is the origin of the tragic contradiction of our age: as progress and new possibilities increase, which is a good thing, less and less people are able to benefit from them.”
“There is no peace in the homes of the prosperous as long as justice is lacking in the home of everyone” he said.
Noting that today, in the cathedrals and sanctuaries throughout the world, the closing of the Doors of Mercy signals the end of the Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis concluded asking  “for the grace not to close our eyes to God who sees us and to our neighbour who asks something of us”.
“May the Lord grant that we may look without fear to what truly matters, and turn our hearts to our true treasure” he said.
Please find below the full text of Pope Francis’ homily: 
“For you… the sun of justice shall rise, with healing in its wings” (Mal 4:2).  The words of the Prophet Malachi, which we heard in the first reading, shed light on today’s Jubilee.  They come to us from the last page of the last Old Testament prophet.  They are words directed to those who trust in the Lord, who place their hope in him, who see in him life’s greatest good and refuse to live only for themselves and their own interests.  For those who are materially poor but rich in God, the sun of justice will rise.  These are the poor in spirit, to whom Jesus promised the kingdom of heaven (cf. Mt 5:3) and whom God, through the words of the Prophet Malachi, calls “my special possession” (Mal 3:17).  The prophet contrasts them with the proud, those who seek a secure life in their self-sufficiency and their earthly possessions.  This last page of the Old Testament raises challenging questions about the ultimate meaning of life: where do I look for security?  In the Lord or in other forms of security not pleasing to God?  Where is my life headed, what does my heart long for?  The Lord of life or ephemeral things that cannot satisfy?
Similar questions appear in today’s Gospel.  Jesus is in Jerusalem for the last and most important page of his earthly life: his death and resurrection.  He is in the precincts of the Temple, “adorned with noble stones and offerings” (Lk 21:5).  People were speaking of the beautiful exterior of the temple, when Jesus says: “The days will come when there shall not be left here one stone upon another” (v. 6).  He adds that there will be no lack of conflicts, famine, convulsions on earth and in the heavens.  Jesus does not want to frighten us, but to tell us that everything we now see will inevitably pass away.  Even the strongest kingdoms, the most sacred buildings and the surest realities of this world do not last for ever; sooner or later they fall.
In response, people immediately put two questions to the Master: “When will this be, and what will be the sign?” (v. 7).  When and what…  We are constantly driven by curiosity: we want to know when and we want to see signs.  Yet Jesus does not care for such curiosity.  On the contrary, he exhorts us not to be taken in by apocalyptic preachers.  Those who follow Jesus pay no heed to prophets of doom, the nonsense of horoscopes, or terrifying sermons and predictions that distract from the truly important things.  Amid the din of so many voices, the Lord asks us to distinguish between what is from him and what is from the false spirit.  This is important: to distinguish the word of wisdom that the God speaks to us each day from the shouting of those who seek in God’s name to frighten, to nourish division and fear.  
Jesus firmly tells us not to be afraid of the upheavals in every period of history, not even in the face of the most serious trials and injustices that may befall his disciples.  He asks us to persevere in the good and to place all our trust in God, who does not disappoint: “Not a hair of your head will perish” (v. 18).  God does not forget his faithful ones, his precious possession.  He does not forget us. 
Today, however, he questions us about the meaning of our lives.  Using an image, we could say that these readings serve as a “strainer” through which our life can be poured: they remind us that almost everything in this world is passing away, like running water.  But there are treasured realities that remain, like a precious stone in a strainer.  What endures, what has value in life, what riches do not disappear?  Surely these two: the Lord and our neighbour.  These two riches do no disappear!  These are the greatest goods; these are to be loved.  Everything else – the heavens, the earth, all that is most beautiful, even this Basilica – will pass away; but we must never exclude God or others from our lives.
Today, though, when we speak of exclusion, we immediately think of concrete people, not useless objects but precious persons.  The human person, set by God at the pinnacle of creation, is often discarded, set aside in favour of ephemeral things.  This is unacceptable, because in God’s eyes man is the most precious good.  It is ominous that we are growing used to this rejection.  We should be worried when our consciences are anaesthetized and we no longer see the brother or sister suffering at our side, or notice the grave problems in our world, which become a mere refrain familiar from the headlines on the evening news.
Dear brothers and sisters, today is your Jubilee.  Your presence here helps us to be attuned to God’s wavelength, to see what he sees.  He sees not only appearances (cf. 1 Sam 16:7), but turns his gaze to the “humble and contrite in spirit” (Is 66:2), to the many poor Lazaruses of our day.  What harm we do to ourselves when we fail to notice Lazarus, excluded and cast out (cf. Lk 16:19-21)!  It is turning away from God himself.  It is the symptom of a spiritual sclerosis when we are only interested in objects to be produced rather than on persons to be loved.  This is the origin of the tragic contradiction of our age: as progress and new possibilities increase, which is a good thing, less and less people are able to benefit from them.  This is a great injustice that should concern us much more than knowing when or how the world will end.  Because we cannot go about our business quietly at home while Lazarus lies at the door.  There is no peace in the homes of the prosperous as long as justice is lacking in the home of everyone.
Today, in the cathedrals and sanctuaries throughout the world, the Doors of Mercy are being closed.  Let us ask for the grace not to close our eyes to God who sees us and to our neighbour who asks something of us.  Let us open our eyes to God, purifying the eye of our hearts of deceitful and fearful images, from the god of power and retribution, the projection of human pride and fear.  Let us look with trust to the God of mercy, with the certainty that “love never ends” (1 Cor 13:8).  Let us renew our hope in the true life to which we are called, the life that will not pass away and that awaits us in communion with the Lord and with others, in a joy that will last forever, without end.
And let us open our eyes to our neighbour, especially to our brothers and sisters who are forgotten and excluded, to the “Lazarus” at our door.  That is where the Church’s magnifying glass is pointed.  May the Lord free us from turning it towards ourselves.  May he turn us away from the trappings that distract us, from interests and privileges, from attachment to power and glory, from being seduced by the spirit of the world.  Our Mother the Church looks “in particular to that portion of humanity that is suffering and crying out, because she knows that these people belong to her by evangelical right” (PAUL VI, Address at the beginning of the Second Session of the Second Vatican Council, 29 September 1963).  By right but also by evangelical duty, for it is our responsibility to care for the true riches which are the poor.  In the light of these reflections, I would like today to be the “day of the poor”.  We are reminded of this by an ancient tradition according to which the Roman martyr Lawrence, before suffering a cruel martyrdom for the love of the Lord, distributed the goods of the community to the poor, whom he described as the true treasure of the Church.  May the Lord grant that we may look without fear to what truly matters, and turn our hearts to our true treasure.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis thanks Holy Year of Mercy volunteers

(Vatican Radio) At the end of the last Jubilee Audience of the soon-to-end Holy Year of Mercy , Pope Francis had a special greeting and a heartfelt “thank you” for the many volunteers who have offered an inestimable service to the Vatican and to pilgrims from across the globe.    
To a group of about 600 Year of Mercy volunteers present in St. Peter’s Square on Saturday, the Pope said: “You have been fantastic! I thank you, who come from different countries, for your precious service that has allowed so many pilgrims to give life to this experience of faith in a positive way. In the course of these months I have noticed your discreet presence in the Square and I appreciate the dedication, patience and enthusiasm with which you have done your work. Thank you so much!”   
Some 4000 volunteers have participated in the Extraordinary Jubilee, many of them Italian, but others from the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Australia, Congo, India and Taiwan.
1800 of them were members of the Sovereign Order of Malta and provided medical assistance as well.
Each volunteer has given at least one week of his or her own time to assist the faithful  providing information and offering to accompany the pilgrims to special entrances and gathering places set up at each of the Papal Basilicas, as well as helping them enter the Holy Doors and staying inside the Basilicas in prayer according to Vatican indications.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Bulletin for 11/13/2016

Bulletin for 11/13/2016

Pope to Health Care Workers: humanity, stewardship, mission

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a Message to the participants in the thirty-first international conference of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers. The theme of this year’s iteration of the annual conference is: Towards a Culture of Health that is Welcoming and Supportive: at the Service of People with Rare and Neglected Pathologies .
In his Message to participants, Pope Francis highlights three “cornerstones” of good care in a Catholic context: the primacy of the human person along with an integrated, integral awareness of the place of human being within the economy of creation and the duty to stewardship of the created order; the missionary and “outward-moving” character of the Church’s commitment to caring for the sick; the question of justice involved in assuring the necessary care to people suffering disease – especially rare disease – and without means to care for themselves or get the care they need.
“On these three cornerstones, which I believe can be shared by anybody who holds dear the eminent value of the human being,” writes Pope Francis, “one can identify realistic, courageous, generous and supportive solutions to addressing even more effectively, and to solving, the health-care emergency of ‘rare’ and ‘neglected’ diseases.”
The Holy Father goes on to write, “In the name of this love for man, for every man, above all for suffering man, I express to all of you, participants in the thirty-first international conference of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, the wish that you will have a renewed impetus and generous dedication towards sick people, as well as a tireless drive towards the greatest common good in the health-care field.”
(from Vatican Radio)…

English summary of Pope’s final Jubilee audience

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis held the last special Saturday audience for the Jubilee Year of  Mercy  this week, during which he stressed the need for inclusion, especially towards the poor, the weary, and the burdened.
By showing mercy, love, and forgiveness, the Holy Father said, the Church bears “faithful witness to God’s inclusive love.”
Below is the official English language synthesis of the Pope’s address, which he delivered in Italian:
Dear Brothers and Sisters:  In this, the last of our special Saturday Audiences for the Holy Year of Mercy, I would like to stress the importance of inclusion .  God’s mercy, which excludes no one, challenges us to be merciful and open to the needs of others, especially the poor and all those who are weary and burdened.  We, who have experienced that love and mercy, have a part to play in his saving plan, which embraces all of history.  In his mercy, God calls all men and women to become members of the body of Christ, which is the Church, and to work together, as one family, in building a world of justice, solidarity and peace.  God reconciled mankind to himself by the sacrifice of his Son on the cross.  He now sends us, his Church, to extend that merciful embrace to our brothers and sisters throughout the world.  The arms of the great colonnade surrounding this Square symbolize that embrace.  They remind us not only of the Church’s mission to the human family, but also of our own call to bear faithful witness to God’s inclusive love through the mercy, love and forgiveness we show to others.
(from Vatican Radio)…