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Pope: Be on guard against pursuit of power and wealth

(Vatican Radio) We cannot serve God well if we hunger after power and wealth. That was Pope Francis’ message as he reflected on the daily readings at his Santa Marta Mass on Tuesday morning.
Listen to Philippa Hitchen’s report: 

Pope Francis began his homily by saying that if we want to be good and faithful servants of the Lord, we must guard against dishonestly and the pursuit of power. But how often, he said, do we see or hear ourselves saying, even in our own homes, that “I’m in charge here?” Jesus taught us that leaders are those who serve others, and if we want to be first, we must become the servant of all. The Pope stressed that Jesus turns the values of our world upside-down, showing that the search for power is an obstacle to becoming a servant of the Lord
A second obstacle, he continued, is dishonesty which can also be found in the life of the Church. Jesus told us that we cannot serve two masters – God and money, the Pope warned, so we have to choose to serve one or the other. Dishonesty, he continued, is not just being a sinner, since we are all sinners and can repent of those sins. But dishonesty, he said, is being duplicitous and playing one hand off against the other, playing the ‘God’ card and the ‘world’ card at the same time.
These obstacles of dishonesty and the pursuit of power, the Pope said, take away our peace of mind and leave us anxious, with an ‘itch’ in our hearts. In this way, he said, we live in constant tension, concerned only about appearances and the worldly desires of fame and fortune. We cannot serve the Lord like this, he insisted, so we ask to be freed from these obstacles in order that we may find serenity of body and mind.
We are not slaves, but children of God, Pope Francis said, and when we serve Him freely we feel deep peace in our hearts. We hear the voice of the Lord calling “Come, come, come, good and faithful servant”. We all want to be faithful servants of the Lord, he said, but we cannot do it on our own and so we ask God for the grace to overcome these obstacles and to serve Him freely with peace in our hearts.
Pope Francis concluded by saying we must constantly remind ourselves that we are unworthy servants, unable to do anything on our own. Instead, he said, we must ask God to open our hearts and let the Spirit in, to remove these obstacles and to transform us into children whose hearts are free to serve the Lord.  
(from Vatican Radio)…

Vatican event supports people with rare and neglected diseases

(Vatican Radio) A Vatican conference this week aims to show solidarity for persons affected by rare diseases and highlight the plight of poor and vulnerable populations afflicted by neglected diseases, many of whom live in the most remote rural areas of the world.  
The conference, hosted by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers takes take place from 10 to 12 November, and is entitled “ Towards a Culture of Health that is Welcoming and Supportive at the Service of People with Rare and Neglected Pathologies .” 
Listen to the report by Linda Bordoni :

Illustrating the three day event, the Secretary of the Council Monsignor Jean-Marie Mupendawatu ,  said the conference comes to life within the spirit of the Holy Year of Mercy. He pointed out that thanks to the Church’s 2000 year old mission to serve the sick – which has made it the world’s largest provider of healthcare services – it is in a unique position to be able to offer significant educational, cultural and pastoral responses to the challenges posed by the conference.  
Monsignor Mupendawatu said that according to the World Health Organization a disease is considered rare when it affects one out of 2000 people. He said that today there are between 5000 and 8000 pathologies that are defined ‘rare’ and 80% of them are of genetic origin. 
Regarding neglected diseases he said they affect some 400 million people, almost half of them children. Most of these, he said, are infectious and are to be found in tropical climates and in areas where people do not have access to clean water and sanitation or health centers. So – he pointed out – they not only pose a medical and clinical challenge, but also cultural and socio-political ones that call for global commitment. 
Addressing United Nations officials in Kenya in 2015, Pope Francis spoke of the issue and called for international agreements to be shaped around the needs of the poor: “Certain health issues, like the elimination of malaria and tuberculosis, treatment of so-called orphan diseases, and neglected sectors of tropical medicine, require urgent political attention, above and beyond all other commercial or political interests.”
Monsignor Mupendawatu  explained that the Conference will focus on how to expand treatment coverage, advance research and development and ensure the basic rights and dignity of patients. This – he said – also implies better care of the environment in which man lives.      
During the three-day event physicians and medical researchers who are specialized in the field of rare and neglected diseases will address participants and some patients will bring their personal witness and reflections. 
Pope Francis will receive the more than 5,000 conference participants, patients, and family members at the conclusion of the event in the Paul VI Hall.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Holy See reiterates no China episcopal ordinations authorised

(Vatican Radio) The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, has clarified the Vatican has not authorised any episcopal ordinations in Continental China.
“Should such episcopal ordinations have occurred, they would constitute a grave violation of canonical norms,” Burke said in a statement.
He reiterated “it is not licit to proceed with any episcopal ordination without the necessary Papal Mandate, even by appealing to particular personal beliefs.”
Declaration of the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, concerning the  purported episcopal ordinations without the Pontifical Mandate in Continental China:
“In recent weeks, there has been a series of reports regarding some episcopal ordinations
conferred without Papal Mandate of priests of the unofficial community of the Catholic Church
in Continental China.  The Holy See has not authorised any ordination, nor has it been officially informed of such  events. Should such episcopal ordinations have occurred, they would constitute a grave violation  of canonical norms. The Holy See hopes that such reports are baseless. If not, it will have to await reliable  information and sure documentation before adequately evaluating the cases. However, it is  reiterated that it is not licit to proceed with any episcopal ordination without the necessary  Papal Mandate, even by appealing to particular personal beliefs”.
7 November 2016
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope: Raise awareness about "scourge" of human trafficking

(Vatican Radio) On Monday, Pope Francis spoke out against human trafficking, in an address to members of RENATE: Religious in Europe Networking against trafficking and exploitation).
The group is in Rome for their 2 nd European Assembly, which took place on Sunday. The theme of this year’s assembly was “Ending Trafficking Begins with Us.”
In his address to members of the group, Pope Francis once again denounced “the trade in human beings” as “a modern form of slavery, which violates the God-given dignity of so many of our brothers and sisters, and constitutes a true crime against humanity.” He acknowledging that much has been accomplished in educating the public about human trafficking, but said “much more needs to be done on the level of raising public consciousness” and in coordinating the various efforts of those engaged in fighting against trafficking in human persons.
The Holy Father commended the work of RENATE in raising public awareness of the extent of “this scourge which especially affects women and children.” He especially praised them for their “faithful witness to the Gospel of mercy, as demonstrated in [their] commitment to the recovery and rehabilitation of victims.” The Pope made special mention of the work of women in accompany other women and children in the process of recovery.
Pope Francis concluded his remarks by expressing his confidence that the members of RENATE would contribute “to a more effective witness to the Gospel in one of the great peripheries of society.”
The full text of Pope Francis’ address to the Second European Assembly of Renate can be read below:
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I extend a cordial welcome to you, who are taking part in this Second Assembly of the Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation.  I thank Sister Imelda Poole for her kind words of greeting on your behalf, and I offer my prayerful good wishes for the fruitfulness of these days of prayer, reflection and discussion.  It is fitting that your Assembly takes place in Rome during this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.  In this season of grace, all of us are invited to enter more deeply into the mystery of God’s mercy and, like the Good Samaritan, to bring the balm of that mercy to so many open wounds in our world. 
One of the most troubling of those open wounds is the trade in human beings, a modern form of slavery, which violates the God-given dignity of so many of our brothers and sisters and constitutes a true crime against humanity.  While much has been accomplished in acknowledging its gravity and extent, much more needs to be done on the level of raising public consciousness and effecting a better coordination of efforts by governments, the judiciary, law enforcement officials and social workers.
As you well know, one of the challenges to this work of advocacy, education and coordination is a certain indifference and even complicity, a tendency on the part of many to look the other way (cf. Evangelii Gaudium , 211) where powerful economic interests and networks of crime are at play.  For this reason, I express my appreciation of your efforts to raise public awareness of the extent of this scourge, which especially affects women and children.  But in a very special way, I thank you for your faithful witness to the Gospel of mercy, as demonstrated in your commitment to the recovery and rehabilitation of victims. 
Your activity in this area reminds us of “the enormous and often silent efforts which have been made for many years by religious congregations, especially women’s congregations”, to care for those wounded in their dignity and scarred by their experiences (cf. Message for the 2015 World Day of Peace , 5).  I think especially of the distinctive contribution made by women in accompanying other women and children on a deeply personal journey of healing and reintegration. 
Dear friends, I trust that your sharing of experiences, knowledge and expertise in these days will contribute to a more effective witness to the Gospel in one of the great peripheries of contemporary society.  Commending you, and all those whom you serve, to the loving intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, I cordially impart my blessing as a pledge of joy and peace in the Lord. I will remember all of you in my prayers, and I ask you, please, to pray for me.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis to prisoners: Never lose hope in God’s mercy

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday for the Jubilee for Prisoners in Saint Peter’s Basilica, during which he reminded prison detainees to never lose hope, or fall into the temptation that they can never be forgiven.
Around 1,000 detainees from 12 countries took part in the weekend celebrations, along with their families, prison chaplains and staff, and various associations.
The Jubilee for Prisoners marks one of the final major events of the Jubilee of Mercy, which will come to an end on November 20.
Listen to Ann Schneible’s report:

Pope Francis centred his homily for Mass for the Jubilee of Prisoners on the theme of hope as it appears in the day’s Mass readings.
For instance, there are the seven brothers from the second book of Maccabees who speak about the hope of being raised again by God, and then Jesus’ response to the Sadducees, that God is not “the God of the dead, but of the living.”
“Hope is a gift of God,” and should be nourished, the Pope said.
“Whenever someone makes a mistake, the Father’s mercy is all the more present, awakening repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace.”
The Pope acknowledged that the loss of freedom experienced by detainees, is the worst part of serving time for one’s crimes. However, he urged those in prison to maintain the “breath” of hope.
The Holy Father turned to day’s reading from the letter to the Romans, in which “Paul almost seems to tell us that God too hopes”.
“His mercy gives him no rest. He is like that Father in the parable, who keeps hoping for the return of his son who has fallen by the wayside”.
“If God hopes, then no one should lose hope.  For hope is the strength to keep moving forward.  It is the power to press on towards the future and a changed life.  It is the incentive to look to tomorrow, so that the love we have known, for all our failings, can show us a new path.”
Pope Francis spoke of the “hypocrisy” of those who see prisoners only as “wrongdoers”, and who disregard the possibility of rehabilitation.
Going off the cuff from his prepared homily, the Pope said how every time he enters a prison, he asks himself: “‘Why them and not I?’ All of us have the possibility of making mistakes.”
The Holy Father reminded those in prison to not be held “captive” by their past mistakes, and “never yield to the temptation of thinking that we cannot be forgiven.” 
Pope Francis turned his reflection to the importance of forgiveness among those who have experienced violence or abuse against themselves or their loved ones.
Acknowledging that there are some wounds that only God can heal, the Pope said that, nonetheless, “when violence is met with forgiveness, even the hearts of those who have done wrong can be conquered by the love that triumphs over every form of evil.”
“In this way, among the victims and among those who wronged them, God raises up true witnesses and workers of mercy.”
Pope Francis concluded his reflection by turning to the statue of Our Lady of Mercy, an image of Mary with the child Jesus, who is holding a set of chains.
“May she intercede for you, so that your hearts can experience the power of hope for a new life, one worthy of being lived in complete freedom and in service to your neighbour.”
(from Vatican Radio)…