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Anti-Trafficking Conference brings religious to Rome

(Vatican Radio) An anti-trafficking conference begins in Rome on Sunday, and it brings together members of religious congregations working to end the scourge and to rescue victims.
The organization behind the event is RENATE , which stand for R eligious in E urope N etworking A gainst T rafficking and E xploitation.
The theme of the event is “Ending human trafficking begins with us.”
“Is a very, very important title, because unless every human being works together to fight this clandestine criminal act then there is no way in fact that people will be rescued,” said Sister Imelda Poole IBVM, the president of RENATE.
Sister Poole has been working with trafficking victims in Albania for the past 11 years.
Listen to the interview with Sr. Imelda Poole:

One of the highlights of the conference will be on Monday, when the RENATE produced film Giving Voice to the Voiceless . The film expresses, in a dynamic way, the RENATE mission against human trafficking, in many European countries including Albania.

The 2nd RENATE assembly takes place in Rome from 6-12 November.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis recalls Charles of Austria: a model for our times

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday received family members of the House of Hasburg visiting the Vatican for a Jubilee pilgrimage.
To the some 300 people gathered in the Clementine Hall, the Pope said “I am happy to receive you in the occasion of this pilgrimage that you have undertaken as a family” and he highlighted the fact that ‘family’ implies a wealth of interconnections and variety and is a value to be “rediscovered” in current times.
The Pope recalled one of the Hasburg family’s most remarkable ancestors: Blessed Charles of Austria who was beatified in 2004 by Saint Pope John Paul II.
Remembering that some 100 years ago or so he ascended to the throne, the Pope said Charles’ spiritual presence is such that the Hasburg family is not nostalgically imbued in the past but, to the contrary, “it is actively present in the challenges and needs” of our time.
He mentioned how some of those present for the audience have roles of responsibility in organizations of solidarity and human and cultural development, as well as in the support of “the European project as a common home founded on human and Christian values”.    
Pope Francis also expressed his joy for having learnt that in the new generations of the Hasburg family some have been called to vocations of priestly and consecrated life: “a confirmation of the fact that the Christian family provides fertile ground for the seeds of vocation – including that of marriage.” 
“Charles of Austria was first of all a good family father and as such a servant of life and peace” he said.
The Pope recalled that Charles had been called to arms as a simple soldier at the beginning of WWI, and after having ascended to the throne in 1916,  in accord with the appeals of Pope Benedict XV, “he used all his strength in pursuit of  peace, at the cost of being misunderstood and mocked at. For this reason too he offers us an example for our times, and we can invoke him as an intercessor of peace for humanity”.     
(from Vatican Radio)…

Holy See: End "counterproductive illogic of war" in Middle East

(Vatican Radio) Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, on Friday said “peacemaking and substantive dialogue including genuine bilateral negotiations must replace the counterproductive illogic of violence and war, currently underway in the Middle East.”
The Vatican diplomat was speaking to the United Nations General Assembly as they discussed the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
“The Holy See notes that the areas where UNRWA exercises its responsibilities includes territories of the ancient Christian heartland where for two millennia Christians have been part and parcel of the culture and history of the peoples in the region, along with other ethnic and religious groups,” – Archbishop Auza said – “Greatly reduced in number, they are today among the refugees served by UNRWA. Forced by violent persecution, in some places by outright slaughter, and by the harsh geopolitical realities of the region, they have left their homes, becoming internally displaced or leaving in search of peace and security outside the region.”
The full statement is below
Statement by H.E. Archbishop Bernardito Auza Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent Observer of the Holy See Seventy-first Session of the United Nations General Assembly Fourth Committee Agenda Item 49: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
New York , 4th November 2016
Mr. Chair,
My delegation has reviewed with great care the 2015 Annual Report of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).1 This report, together with the frequent briefings focusing on the refugees served by UNRWA, paint a very sobering picture of the financial woes and of the unacceptable situation that more than five million Palestinians in need of humanitarian assistance found themselves in. Before my delegation addresses the important issues in the report, it wishes to extend prayers and condolences to the families of the UNRWA workers who have been killed while providing humanitarian aid to victims of conflict and political turmoil. We also offer our heartfelt prayers for the UNRWA workers who have been injured in the line of duty. The Holy See notes that the areas where UNRWA exercises its responsibilities includes territories of the ancient Christian heartland where for two millennia Christians have been part and parcel of the culture and history of the peoples in the region, along with other ethnic and
religious groups. Greatly reduced in number, they are today among the refugees served by UNRWA. Forced by violent persecution, in some places by outright slaughter, and by the harsh geopolitical realities of the region, they have left their homes, becoming internally displaced or leaving in search of peace and security outside the region.
Mr. Chair,
Like UNRWA, various entities and organizations of the Catholic Church provide education, health-care and social services to the internally displaced and to the refugees. They include educational programs for children and adults and rehabilitation efforts for those physically and mentally traumatized by incessant conflict. These services are provided to all in need not on the basis of creed. Generous donors associated with the Catholic Church around the globe, such as the Pontifical Mission for Palestine, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, the Aid to Church in Need, the Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, inter alia , make these activities possible. Like UNRWA, the works of the Holy See in the region are donor driven. One of the problems mentioned in the 2015 UNRWA report is that resources do not match the ever-increasing needs. The peace process between Israelis and Palestinians has stalled.
1 A/71/13
Unilateral actions and inflammatory rhetoric have led to tensions and violence in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The Holy See views the holy City of Jerusalem as the spiritual patrimony of the three monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In this context, the Holy See renews its support for a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of the City of Jerusalem, which should, inter alia , ensure the freedom of religion and of conscience of all its inhabitants, as well as the secure, free and unhindered access to the Holy Places by the faithful of all religions and nationalities.
My delegation notes with grave concern that, as indicated in the UNRWA report under consideration, heinous crimes are being committed daily against refugee populations as their education, health-care facilities and essential civilian infrastructure are being targeted by the warring parties. Because of the besiegement and bombardment by indiscriminate weaponry, Palestinian refugees in Syria must flee again as camps become targets of military actions. The 2015 UNRWA report, along with daily media reports, do not give us much hope that all these barbaric acts against the civilian population along with the Palestinian refugees will end soon.
Mr. Chair,
The Holy See takes this opportunity once more to express its deep gratitude and appreciation to the people of Lebanon and Jordan for their enduring collaboration with UNRWA, in particular for taking in many Palestinian refugees, and for contending heroically, together with some other countries in the region, with the influx of refugees from Iraq and Syria. Lebanon, desperately needs the attention and the support of the International Community to stabilize its institutions, protect its four million or so citizens, and to deal with millions of refugees fleeing the conflicts of the Near East Region. Jordan, long a beacon in the acceptance of refugees within its borders, requires as well international assistance to take care of the millions of refugees in its territory, to guarantee security and social cohesion to its own people, and to fend off attempts by terrorist and extremists groups seeking to push Jordan into the spiral of violence which plagues the region. Peacemaking and substantive dialogue including genuine bilateral negotiations must replace the counterproductive illogic of violence and war, currently underway in the Middle East. Military solutions and the support of client states or non-state actors by the industrialized nations of the world have succeeded only in the increase of civilian casualties, with death and injury, as the horrendously powerful weapons which they sold or gifted to their clients are used to commit crimes against defenseless civilians. Accessible humanitarian assistance for the refugees and the internally displaced must replace the current flood of weapons inundating the region from all over the globe.
Mr. Chair,
No matter how grim the picture might be, let us never give up hope that the unquenchable quest for peace, so much desired and so much needed, will eventually dawn in that land so significant to all and so sacred to many.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Bulletin for 11/06/2016

Bulletin for 11/06/2016

Pope Francis sends Message to Bishops of France

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has told the Bishops of France to help the people of their country to “strengthen their hope” and to “contribute to the search for the common good” in the context of nation still “marked by the attacks which have ravaged your country,” which is also facing “important” elections.
The message were conveyed by the Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, as the Bishops begin their Plenary Assembly.
The theme of the meeting is on “ having the courage to reach the peripheries in need of the Gospel ” (Evangelii Gaudium, n. 20); including in a rural world facing change, “which will, in no doubt, be an opportunity for a new start for the mission of the Church in France.”
“A few days before the closing of the Jubilee of Mercy, the Pope asks the Lord to help you open new paths so ‘the years to come will be steeped in mercy, so that we can go out to every man and woman, bringing the goodness and tenderness of God’ (Misericordiae Vultus, n. 5)” – the Message continues – “Entrusting the bishops of France to the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Bernadette, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, and St. Salomon Le Clercq, the Holy Father sends you his Apostolic Blessing with affection.”
(from Vatican Radio)…