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Bulletin for 7/17/2016

Bulletin for 7/17/2016

Pope on Nice attack: condemns blind violence

Vatican Radio) In a telegram sent on his behalf by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Pope Francis has condemned the terror attack in Nice and expressed his profound sadness and his spiritual closeness to the French people.  Addressed to the Bishop of Nice Andre Marceau, the telegram noted that whilst France was celebrating its national day “blind violence has once again hit the nation” in the city of Nice whose victims include many children. It said the Pope once again “condemned such acts” and expressed his “profound sadness and his spiritual closeness to the French people.”   The telegram continued by saying that Pope Francis “entrusts to the Mercy of God those who have lost their lives” and he shares “the pain of the bereaved families” and also expressed his sympathy to those wounded.  The Pope concluded by imploring from God the gift of “peace and harmony” and invoking divine blessings on the families affected by this tragedy and all the people of France.    (from Vatican Radio)…

Vatican condemns Nice terrorist attack which kills 84 people

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has condemned the terrorist attack in Nice, France, which on Thursday night killed at least 84 people. “We have followed during the night, with the greatest concern, the terrible news which has come from Nice,” said the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, SJ. “We want to make known, on the part of Pope Francis and ourselves, our sharing and solidarity in the suffering of the victims and all the French people, in what was supposed to be a great day of celebration,” –Father Lombardi continued – “We condemn in an absolute manner every manifestation of homicidal folly, hatred, terrorism, and attacks against peace.” The terrorist drove a heavy truck at high speeds into a crowd that had just watched a fireworks celebration. The truck was finally stopped after travelling two kilometres, and the driver was killed in a shootout with police. The attack comes eight months and a day after gunmen and suicide bombers from the so-called Islamic State struck Paris on November 13, 2015, killing 130 people.  Four months ago, Belgian Islamists linked to the Paris attackers killed 32 people at a Brussels airport. (from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis: surprise visit to Commission for Latin America

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis paid a surprise call on the officers and staff of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America on Wednesday. The Holy Father knocked on the door of the Commission’s offices shortly after 9 AM Rome Time Wednesday, saying, “I just thought I’d drop by,” and asking the ranking official on site, prof. Guzmàn Carriquiry, whether he, “had a few minutes to spare for a chat.”
After a half hour’s conversation Pope Francis greeted the office workers one-by-one, pausing for photographs – including a few selfies – and sharing some memories of his visits to the Commission when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires.
The Holy Father decided on the surprise visit after a dental appointment in the Vatican. Having been informed of the complicated security protocols involved in such an impromptu jaunt, Pope Francis responded, “Don’t worry: we’re in God’s hands.”
(from Vatican Radio)…

President of Vatican Health Council dies at the age of 67

(Vatican Radio) The President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers, Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, died overnight at the age of 67 after a long illness.
He was born in Kupienin, Poland, April 7, 1949; and was ordained priest on 25 May 1973.
Pope St. John Paul II appointed Zimowski bishop of the Diocese of Radom, Poland, on 28 March 2002; and he was appointed President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers by Pope Benedict XVI on 18 April 2009.
In 2014, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
(from Vatican Radio)…