400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578


Vatican to UN: Middle East minorities need our protection

(Vatican Radio) “The  alarming,  escalating  phenomenon  of  international terrorism, new in some of its expressions and utterly ruthless in its barbarity” demands “ a deeper and more  urgent  study on how to re-enforce the international juridical  framework  of  a  multilateral  application  of  our  common  responsibility  to protect people from all forms of unjust aggression”. This…
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Pope Francis at Mass: a faith industrious in loving

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said Mass on Tuesday morning in the chapel of the Santa Marta guesthouse in the Vatican. In remarks to the faithful following the readings of the day, the Holy Father focused on the need for authenticity in Christian living, saying that faith is not only a “cosmetic” matter, but one of…
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Vatican to UN: Middle East minorities need our protection

(Vatican Radio) “The  alarming,  escalating  phenomenon  of  international terrorism, new in some of its expressions and utterly ruthless in its barbarity” demands “ a deeper and more  urgent  study on how to re-enforce the international juridical  framework  of  a  multilateral  application  of  our  common  responsibility  to protect people from all forms of unjust aggression”. This…
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Synod of Family begins small-group discussions. Card. Tagle: "The Drama Continues"

(Vatican Radio) The Synod Fathers of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family on Monday afternoon began meeting in small working groups, called “circoli minori” or “minor circles”.  This second phase of the synod comes after the “post-discussion report” of the Synod was presented Monday morning by the General Rapporteur of the Assembly, Cardinal Péter Erd?.  …
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Edge Spaghetti Dinner Tickets

It was brought to our attention that some of the tickets that were handed out on October 12th have the wrong date on them. The fundraiser is on November 16th, not the 26th. We will reissue tickets with correct date at the next Edge Night on October 19th. Please return the yellow tickets you were…
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