400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578


Pope to Synod Fathers: speak frankly and listen humbly

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis addressed the Fathers of the Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Monday morning, as they began their first full day of sessions exploring the pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization. In remarks prepared for the occasion, the Holy Father called on all participants in the…
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Pope: Family is integral part of God’s plan for humanity

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis urged the Synod Bishops to listen to the Lord’s call to “care for the family” which is “an integral part of His loving plan for humanity”. Listen to the report by Linda Bordoni:  The Holy Father said that “Synod Assemblies are not meant to discuss beautiful and clever ideas” but to…
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Pope encourages all families to read the Bible

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has asked for prayers for the bishops who are about to begin work in the two-week Synod of the Family and invited all families to keep a Bible handy in their homes, and read it often. Addressing the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus prayer on Sunday, he…
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Pope encourages all families to read the Bible

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has asked for prayers for the bishops who are about to begin work in the two-week Synod of the Family and invited all families to keep a Bible handy in their homes, and read it often. Addressing the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus prayer on Sunday, he…
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Homily of Pope Francis – Opening Mass of the Synod on the Family

Today the prophet Isaiah and the Gospel employ the image of the Lord’s vineyard. The Lord’s vineyard is his “dream”, the plan which he nurtures with all his love, like a farmer who cares for his vineyard. Vines are plants which need much care! God’s “dream” is his people. He planted it and nurtured it…
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