400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578


Pope: no to the use of religion as a pretext for violence

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said on Sunday that no one must consider themselves to be the “armour” of God while planning and carrying out acts of violence and oppression.   “May no one” he said “use religion as a pretext for actions against human dignity and against the fundamental rights of every man and woman, above all,…
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Pope invites young Albanians to build their lives on Christ

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has urged the new generations of Albania to  reject the idolatry of money, the false freedom of individualism, to addiction and violence, and he has encouraged them to cultivate a culture of encounter and of solidarity. The Pope’s words to the young came during his Angelus address after the celebration of…
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Pope to Albanians: do not be afraid of responding to Christ

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday encouraged the people of Albania to cultivate hope and involve the young generations, opening their hearts to Christ and fulfilling their roles in the Church and in society. In his homily during Mass in Tirana’s Mother Teresa Square, Pope Francis recalled the witness of the Albanian martyrs and the…
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Pope: religious coexistance and collaboration precious gift

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said on Sunday that peaceful coexistence and collaboration among followers of different religions is a precious gift to the country. The Pope was addressing the President, Government, Civil Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps of Albania, where he is spending a one-day apostolic visit. In a discourse held at the start of the…
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Waiting for Pope Francis

(Vatican Radio) The Boulevard of National Martyrs in Tirana is already filled with people on Saturday night, ahead of Pope Francis’ arrival on Sunday morning. Thousands of local residents and visitors have chosen to take their evening walk along the street, checking out preparations for Sunday morning’s papal Mass. For most people, the Pope’s journey…
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