400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578


Pope Francis meets a group of transplant surgeons; including the mayor of Rome

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Friday morning with the mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, who was accompanied by a group of surgeons who specialize in organ transplants.  The mayor is a transplant surgeon himself, and trained at the Transplant Centre of the University of Cambridge and the University of Pittsburgh’s Starzl Transplantation Institute. The…
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Albanian capital set to welcome Pope

(Vatican Radio) Every country that welcomes the Pope lines its streets with flags, trying to make a good impression. What’s striking about arriving in Tirana is not the papal and national flags, but the huge banners bearing the images of 40 Albanian martyrs. Listen to the report by Christopher Wells: The cause for the canonization…
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Pope Francis meets Armenian president

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis received Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan at the Vatican on Friday. According to a statement from the Secretariat of State, the two men expressed satisfaction for the development and strengthening of bilateral relations, highlighting the special role of Christianity in the history and life of Armenian society. The statement reads that with…
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Pope Francis meets Armenian president

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis received Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan at the Vatican on Friday. According to a statement from the Secretariat of State, the two men expressed satisfaction for the development and strengthening of bilateral relations, highlighting the special role of Christianity in the history and life of Armenian society. The statement reads that with…
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Pope at Mass: resurrection completes Christian identity

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the chapel of the Santa Marta residence on Friday morning. In remarks to the gathered faithful following the readings of the day, the Holy Father focused on the Resurrection as the seal of Christian identity. Drawing on the words of St Paul the Apostle from his Letter to…
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