400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578


Pope Francis: Jesus prays, chooses, is close to His people

Jesus is not a professor who speaks from the professor’s chair; rather, He goes among the people and lets them touch Him so that they can be healed. That was Pope Francis’ message at Mass this morning at Santa Marta. Listen to Christopher Wells’ report:  Commenting on the day’s Gospel, Pope Francis reflected on three…
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Pope Francis meets with members of St Peter’s Cricket Club

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met in the Vatican on Tuesday with members of St Peter’s Cricket Club who are preparing for their ‘Light of Faith Tour’ to England. The Club, which was set up last year under the auspices of the Pontifical Council for Culture, is comprised mainly of seminarians from India and Sri Lanka…
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South Africa’s Cardinal Napier reflects on Vatican Finances

In March this year, Pope Francis established a Vatican Council for the Economy and appointed eight cardinals and seven lay people to serve on it. The council is not merely an advisory team of the Secretariat of Economy but an important body which has extensive authority to set forth policy and guidelines for the financial…
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Pope to wed 20 couples in St. Peter’s Basilica

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis is to celebrate the weddings of 20 couples at St. Peter’s Basilica. The celebration during which the Pope will celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 14. The Mass will take place just three weeks before the extraordinary Bishops’ Synod on the Family in the…
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Pope sends condolences to family of Steven Sotloff

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his sorrow for the death of slain US journalist Steven Sotloff, urging people everywhere to reject violence, aggression and lack of compassion. His words came in a telegramme of condolences addressed to Sotloff’s family and signed by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Pope.…
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