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Patriarch Sako: Global threat of IS demands global response

(Vatican Radio)  As NATO leaders gather in Wales to discuss if and how they can respond to the Islamic State onslaught in Iraq and Syria, the leader of Iraq’s ancient Chaldean Catholic Church Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako has issued a stark warning: act now, because the Islamic State is a threat for everyone, not…
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Cardinal Parolin: Human ecology a prerequisite for environmental ecology

(Vatican Radio) Cardinal Pietro Parolin on Wednesday reminded members of Italy’s largest agricultural association to keep the human person at the heart of every activity. He said the nation’s farmers “have a significant mission, encouraging the search for new styles of life which are more fraternal and more supportive for all mankind, and also creation.” The…
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Pope Francis: the mother Church embraces persecuted Iraqis

(Vatican Radio) At the General Audience Wednesday, Pope Francis told Arabic speaking pilgrims and “particularly those from Iraq,” that “like all mothers,” the Church accompanies her needy children.  She “raises up the fallen child, heals his wounds, seeks the lost… and defends those who are defenseless and persecuted.”  The Pope assured “especially these last of…
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Pope Francis: the Church is our mother, we are not orphans

(Vatican Radio)  Tens of thousands gathered on a bright sunny day in St. Peter’s square for the weekly General Audience to hear Pope Francis reflect on the maternal nature of the Church.  He called her “a mother” who gives us “life in Christ,” and reminded the faithful she will never leave them “orphaned.” Listen to…
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Pope Francis: the Church is our mother, we are not orphans

(Vatican Radio)  Tens of thousands gathered on a bright sunny day in St. Peter’s square for the weekly General Audience to hear Pope Francis reflect on the maternal nature of the Church.  He called her “a mother” who gives us “life in Christ,” and reminded the faithful she will never leave them “orphaned.” Listen to…
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