400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578


Pope Francis : “Asian Youth! Wake up!”

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis continues  his Apostolic journey to Korea which began August 13th and ends on August 18th. This marks his  first visit to Asia, a continent where 60% of the world’s  population lives. While on Saturday he presided over a beatification ceremony of 124 Korean martyrs in Seoul on Sunday he travelled by helicopter…
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Pope to Asian youth: You are the present and the future of the Church

(Vatican Radio) During his homily at the concluding Mass of the 6th Asian Youth Day, Pope Francis told the young people gathered “to be like Christ, who responds to every plea for his help with love, mercy and compassion.” He also said young people were the present and the future of the Church. Below is the…
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Pope baptizes father of victim of Korea’s ferry disaster

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Sunday baptized a father of one of the children who was killed in South Korea’s ferry disaster last April.   Holy See’s spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi, who is accompanying the Pope in Korea,  said the Baptism of Lee Ho Jin took place at 7 am  at the Apostolic Nunciature in Seoul. …
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Pope urges Asian Church to preserve its Christian identity

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Sunday exhorted Asian Catholics to engage in real and fruitful dialogue with others, reminding them they cannot do so unless they sure of their identity rooted in their living faith in Christ.  “It is our living faith in Christ which is our deepest identity; it is from this that our…
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Pope Francis in Korea: the stories you haven’t read

(Vatican Radio) What are the most important aspects of Pope Francis’ visit to Korea? While providing comprehensive coverage of the Korean voyage, Vatican Radio’s Seán Patrick Lovett is also able to share some of the stories you might not have read: Listen: Here I am with no less than eight Korean newspapers piled up on…
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