In one of the great “Peanuts” cartoons by Charles Schulz, Charlie Brown makes a heartfelt appeal: “Believe in me!” A little blonde girl walks by without even giving him a glance. In the next fr. ” ame, Charlie cries out again: “Believe in me!” His own beloved dog, Snoopy, trots by, lost in his own…
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Royston Albert Fransen, British high diver and stuntman, jumped from the top of a 100 foot tower into a small tank of water three times a day for 40 years until his death in 1985 during a performance. He was 69. Imagine how much faith it took to step off that tiny platform into midair,…
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Two retirees were talking about their failing memories. One of them said, “I can’t remember what day it is, much less where I left my keys.” His friend, always an optimist, said, “Well, look at the bright side. This year we’ll be old enough to hide our own Easter eggs.” Limitations come with advanced age.…
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