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Category: Global

Pope Francis: poverty afflicts too many families

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis says poverty today afflicts too many families.
Speaking during the weekly General Audience, the Pope continued his catechesis on the family opening up his reflections to a new perspective: the difficulties and problems that put families to the test in modern society.
One condition that afflicts families today – he said – is poverty. “Let’s think of the many families who populate the peripheries of large cities, and also of those who live in rural areas… how much misery, how much degradation!” he said.
And to make things even worse – the Pope continued – in some areas there is even war. War – he said – is always terrible, and it specially affects civilians and families.
“War really is the ‘mother of all poverties’, war impoverishes the family, it steals lives, souls, our most sacred feelings and our beloved ones” he said.
And yet – Pope Francis pointed out – even in the worst of circumstances, there are many poor people who persevere with dignity, often entrusting themselves to the goodness of God. 
But – he warned – this fact must never be used to justify our indifference, rather it must increase our shame “that so much poverty exists!” 
It’s almost a miracle – Francis said – that even amidst such poverty, families continue to be formed and sustained.  
And he pointed out that those who consider family ties a secondary variable in respect to the quality of life “do not understand anything!”
We should kneel before these poor families – the Pope said – “they are a real school of humanity and they save society from barbarity”.  
Pope Francis went on to say that “our modern economies often promote individual wellbeing at the expense of the family”, a reality that represents a grave contradiction as the immense work carried out by families is evaluated and appraised in budget plans.
The Pope concluded calling on Christians to always look for ways to strengthen and support families, especially poorer ones.  
And he remarked on the fact that at this difficult time we all know some family member – a mother or a father – who are without work, and “the family suffers, the ties weaken. This is bad” he said. 
The Church, as a mother – he said – can never be blind to the sufferings of her children.  He said that she too must be poor so as to become fruitful and to be able to respond to so much misery.
For each of us, this means choosing simplicity both individually and in our institutions, so as to break down walls of division, especially poverty. 
“To do this, prayer and action are needed” he said.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis: poverty afflicts too many families

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis says poverty today afflicts too many families. Speaking during the weekly General Audience, the Pope continued his catechesis on the family opening up his reflections to a new perspective: the difficulties and problems that put families to the test in modern society. One condition that afflicts families today – he said…
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Pope Francis prays for victims of China ship disaster

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday expressed his closeness to the Chinese people following the capsizing of a cruise ship on the Yangtze River.
Speaking to the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the General Audience, the Pope turned his thoughts to the victims and their families as hopes of finding any more survivors from the disaster fade.
“The Eastern Star”, with 456 mostly elderly people on board, overturned in bad weather on Monday night.
18 people are now confirmed to have died and 14 have been rescued.
“In a particular way I wish to express my closeness to the Chinese people in these difficult moments after the ferry disaster in the Yangtze River.  pray for the victims, their families and for all involved in the rescue efforts” he said.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis prays for victims of China ship disaster

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday expressed his closeness to the Chinese people following the capsizing of a cruise ship on the Yangtze River. Speaking to the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the General Audience, the Pope turned his thoughts to the victims and their families as hopes of finding any more survivors…
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Pope’s general prayer intention for June – migrants and refugees

The general prayer intention of the Holy Father for the month of June is for immigrants and refugees, that they may find welcome and respect in the countries where they seek shelter.  The issue of migrants making perilous voyages across seas, with many perishing on the way, has been making headlines in the media frequently.  There seems to be no end to the ‘boat people’ from the north Africa desperately trying to reach the shores of Europe across the Mediterranean.  Similarly, Rohingya Muslims escaping persecution in Myanmar and Bangladeshis fleeing poverty at home are making similar journeys in boats trying to reach the shores of South East Asian nations, such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.  With a regional crackdown on human traffickers, many of these boats have been abandoned at sea with little or no provisions.  Pope Francis has a special concern for these migrants.  That is why 3 months after his election in 2013, he dedicated his first visit outside Rome to the Italian island of Lampedusa, a transit point for thousands of refugees from Africa.  Since then he has made numerous appeals for them.  On May 24, the Holy Father called on the international community to provide the ‘innumerable displaced people in the Bay of Bengal and in the Andaman Sea” with the necessary humanitarian aid.   Last week, in the Vatican, the Pope said that letting migrants die at sea was an “attack against life” like abortion or euthanasia.  Let’s therefore join Pope Francis this month of June in praying that immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come.
(from Vatican Radio)…