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Category: Global

Francis receives the passengers of the “Children’s Train”

Vatican City, 1 June 2015 (VIS) – “Never stop dreaming … You can fly with your dreams, and dreaming opens the doors to happiness”; said Pope Francis to the six hundred children on the “Children’s Train”, an initiative of the Courtyard of the Gentiles in support of children who live in difficult situations. This year…
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Francis receives the passengers of the “Children’s Train”

Vatican City, 1 June 2015 (VIS) – “Never stop dreaming … You can fly with your dreams, and dreaming opens the doors to happiness”; said Pope Francis to the six hundred children on the “Children’s Train”, an initiative of the Courtyard of the Gentiles in support of children who live in difficult situations. This year…
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Francis receives the passengers of the “Children’s Train”

Vatican City, 1 June 2015 (VIS) – “Never stop dreaming … You can fly with your dreams, and dreaming opens the doors to happiness”; said Pope Francis to the six hundred children on the “Children’s Train”, an initiative of the Courtyard of the Gentiles in support of children who live in difficult situations. This year it was dedicated to the children of detainees in the Italian penitentiaries of Roma, Civitavecchia, Latina, Bari and Trani, on the theme “Flight”. The train, on which two-hundred children travelled from Bari and Trani, arrived at the Vatican railway station, where they joined those already present from the other three provinces. Upon arrival they were welcomed by Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Governorate of Vatican City State, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture and Michele Mario Elia, director of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA, the Italian rail network infrastructure company. The Holy Father met with the passengers of the train in the Paul VI Hall, and spoke with them on the theme of flight, inviting them to fly with their imagination to be with their families and to fulfil their dreams….

The Pope receives a group of sick children: “You are life’s heroes”

Vatican City, 30 May 2015 (VIS) – Yesterday afternoon, in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the Pope received in audience a group of twenty seriously ill children, accompanied by their parents, along with volunteers and leaders from the UNITALSI association, which organises pilgrimages to Lourdes and Loreto. The majority of the children were aged between seven and 14 years, although there were also some as young as two and three. The Pope approached each child affectionately. One of the children then spoke to the Holy Father about a similar previous meeting two years ago, recalling all those who had been present and some who have passed away in the meantime, and assured him that they have all prayed a lot for the Pope, as he had asked them too. The Holy Father went on to speak about the mystery of the suffering of children. “It is a question I often ask myself, and which many of you, many people, ask themselves: why do children suffer? And there are no explanations. … I simply look to God and ask, ‘But why?’. And looking at the Cross: ‘Why is Your Son there, why?’ It is the mystery of the Cross. … I also often think of the Virgin when as they brought her the lifeless body of her Son. … She did not understand either. She would have recalled what the Angel had told her: ‘He will be King, He will be great, He will be a prophet’. With that wounded body in her arms, that had suffered so greatly before death, she would surely have wanted to say to the Angel: ‘Liar! I have been deceived’. She had no answers either”. “Do not be afraid of asking, indeed even challenging the Lord. ‘Why?’”, he exclaimed. “Perhaps no explanation will come, but the gaze of the Father will give you the strength to go on. … The only explanation He will be able to give you is: ‘My son suffered too’. This is the explanation. The most important is his gaze. This is your strength, the loving gaze of the Father”. “In a world in which it is so normal to experience a throwaway culture – if we are not happy with something we discard it – you live this situation … with heroism. … You are the little heroes of life. I thank you for your example”, affirmed the Pope, visibly moved. “I pray for you, for these mixed feelings of joy and sadness. … The Lord knows how to comfort you in your suffering in a special way”. Those present then prayed a Hail Mary and received the Pope’s blessing. He continued the meeting by talking with each child and their parents. The group left the Domus Sanctae Marthae at 6 p.m….

Fr. Lombardi issues clarification on Cardinal George Pell

Vatican City, 1 June 2015 (VIS) – In response to questions from journalists, the director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., explained that the statement made by Mr. Peter Saunders (one of the 17 members of the Commission for the Protection of Minors) during a television broadcast was evidently given in…
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