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Category: Global

Pope: Motu Proprio revises Vatican’s Pension Fund

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio which revises the statutes governing the Vatican’s Pension Fund was released on Friday (May 29th). The Director of the Holy See’s Press office, Father Federico Lombardi, said whilst there are some revisions in the Fund’s statutes, the regulations governing the Vatican pensions themselves remain the same with no changes being made to them for now. 
In particular, the Pope’s Motu Proprio introduces changes in how the president of the Fund’s Board of Directors is appointed. Previously, the president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) more or less automatically became president of the Pension Fund but from now on the president will be directly appointed by Pope Francis who will choose from a list of three candidates proposed by the Council for the Economy and they could include lay people.
Father Lombardi said another important change is that four external candidates who are experts in the field of insurance and pension fund management will be named to the Board of Directors of the Vatican’s Pension Fund by the Council for the Economy.
Father Lombardi said the revisions contained in the Motu Proprio were considered necessary in the light of the new situation concerning the Holy See’s financial framework following the setting up of the Council and the Secretariat for the Economy.  
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope: Motu Proprio revises Vatican’s Pension Fund

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio which revises the statutes governing the Vatican’s Pension Fund was released on Friday (May 29th). The Director of the Holy See’s Press office, Father Federico Lombardi, said whilst there are some revisions in the Fund’s statutes, the regulations governing the Vatican pensions themselves remain the same with no changes…
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Pope: Motu Proprio revises Vatican’s Pension Fund

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio which revises the statutes governing the Vatican’s Pension Fund was released on Friday (May 29th). The Director of the Holy See’s Press office, Father Federico Lombardi, said whilst there are some revisions in the Fund’s statutes, the regulations governing the Vatican pensions themselves remain the same with no changes…
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Pope: Motu Proprio revises Vatican’s Pension Fund

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio which revises the statutes governing the Vatican’s Pension Fund was released on Friday (May 29th). The Director of the Holy See’s Press office, Father Federico Lombardi, said whilst there are some revisions in the Fund’s statutes, the regulations governing the Vatican pensions themselves remain the same with no changes…
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Pope Francis: Evangelize with a language of merciful love

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday received members of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization at the end of their Plenary session.
Listen to Lydia O’Kane’s report

During the course of their Plenary session the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization has been discussing the relationship between evangelization and catechesis and it was on that theme that Pope Francis addressed members of the Council, including its President Archbishop Rino Fisichella.
Speaking to them at the end of their session the Holy Father told them that the Church is called to evangelize at a time of great change. But he stressed in order to proclaim the Gospel, the language used needs to be renewed so it can be understood by all who hear it.
The Pope went on to say that people want a Church that can walk with them, offering a witness of faith, a Church for the marginalized which expresses solidarity with those on the “outskirts of existence”.
Then, getting to the heart of what the true meaning of the new evangelization is, the Holy Father said,  it is this: to become aware of the merciful love the Father has for us and also to become instruments of salvation for our brothers. Turning his attention to the Catechesis, as part of the process of evangelization, Pope Francis explained that “it needs to go beyond just the school sphere of educating believers, from childhood because it is an encounter with Christ who awakens the desire to know him better and then to follow him to become his disciples.
Concluding, the Holy Father underlined that the challenge of the new evangelization and catechesis together is played on this fundamental point: “how to meet Christ, and what is the most consistent place to find him and follow him.”
The Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization is undertaking the preparations for the Jubilee of Mercy which opens on December 8th 2015.
(from Vatican Radio)…