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Category: Global

Cardinal Koch: Trialogue among Catholics, Jews, Muslims?

(Vatican Radio)  The 3 day conference ‘Nostra Aetate – Celebrating 50 years of the Catholic Church’s Dialogue with Jews and Muslims’   concluded yesterday at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC.  The President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity – and also responsible for the Church’s dialogue with the Jewish people – Cardinal Kurt Koch, was there.  He says the Nostra Aetate declaration was a landmark in relations between the Catholic Church and other faiths. 
But, he notes that while the Church has ongoing bilateral talks with Jewish and Muslim religious leaders, it may be too early to engage in a “trialogue” among the three monotheistic faiths.
“We don’t have trialogue and for us it is too early to make this because sometimes we speak about an Abrahamitic ecumenism – this is very clear – it is a good issue.  But on the other hand, we have a very, very different interpretation of Abraham and we cannot deny this issue.  And in the interreligious discussion, it is very important to treat also this difference that we have in the interpretation of Abraham.”
Asked if Muslim and Jewish religious leaders would be open to such a dialogue and if it could pave the way to improved relations among the three faiths, Cardinal Koch responds,
“We hope that we can go in this [direction] in future but we have in every religion, we have opposition.  We have open leaders, we have open Muslim leaders, we have open Christian leaders, but we have opposition in all the three religions.  We have also opposition in the Catholic Church against Nostra Aetate.  The same groups, they are against ecumenism, against interreligious dialogue, against the religious freedom declaration.  And I think that they are minorities.  We must go on the basis of the Second Vatican Council with the high authority of the Catholic Church and we cannot deny this very important influence.”
Listen to Philippa Hitchen’s extended interview with Cardinal Koch:

(from Vatican Radio)…

Cardinal Koch: Trialogue among Catholics, Jews, Muslims?

(Vatican Radio)  The 3 day conference ‘Nostra Aetate – Celebrating 50 years of the Catholic Church’s Dialogue with Jews and Muslims’  concluded yesterday at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC.  The President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity – and also responsible for the Church’s dialogue with the Jewish people – Cardinal…
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Pope to Italy’s police: act against the violent and corrupt

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Thursday (May 21st) encouraged Italy’s police officers to take action against violent and corrupt individuals, saying the country needs people to serve it with altruism, generosity and continuity.  He praised the police officers for their help in welcoming migrants landing on the nation’s shores and in counteracting the “unscrupulous human traffickers” and said their job is an important and noble mission of service to the entire community that sometimes can lead to the sacrifice of their own lives. The Pope’s remarks came in an address to the family members of Italian police officers who were killed or injured whilst on active duty.
Pope Francis said the work of a police officer is a mission that carries a strong sense of duty and discipline and a willingness, if necessary, to lay down one’s life in order to uphold “the rule of law, defend democracy” and engage in the struggle against “organized crime or terrorism.” Your mission, he said, requires “the courage” to rescue whoever is in danger and to stop the aggressor in order to protect the wider society from “the arrogance of corrupt or violent individuals.” 
The Pope noted that nowadays police officers often find themselves on the front line, both in welcoming migrants landing on Italy’s shores and in taking action to apprehend the unscrupulous human traffickers. In this work, he said, you distinguish yourselves by “the moral imperative to do good, to save as many people as possible and to not spare yourselves in donating energy and time for this mission.”  
Pope Francis concluded by urging the police officers to continue their mission and Christian witness at the service of all and said by defending the weak and the rule of law they are a role model for Italy that “needs people to serve it with altruism, generosity and continuity.”  
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope to Italy’s police: act against the violent and corrupt

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Thursday (May 21st) encouraged Italy’s police officers to take action against violent and corrupt individuals, saying the country needs people to serve it with altruism, generosity and continuity.  He praised the police officers for their help in welcoming migrants landing on the nation’s shores and in counteracting the “unscrupulous human…
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Pope Francis: Christians are called to be one being

(Vatican Radio)  His wounds are the “price” that Jesus paid for the Church to be united forever to Him and to God. Christians today are called to ask for the grace of unity and to fight against all “spirit of division, of war, of jealousy.”  That was Pope Francis’s reflection during his Homily at Mass Thursday morning in the chapel of the Santa Marta guesthouse.
For Pope Francis, “the great prayer of Jesus” is that the Church is united – that Christians “be one” as Jesus is with his Father. Drawing his reflections from the day’s readings, Pope Francis immerses us in the atmosphere of the Last Supper – not long before Christ gives Himself over to the Passion.  Recalling Christ’s weighty words entrusted to the Apostles, the Pope warns us against “the great temptation” and entreats us not to yield to the other “father:” the one of “lies” and “division.”
The price of unity
It is comforting, observes Francis, to hear Jesus say to the Father that He did not want to pray simply for his disciples but also for those who will believe in Him “through their word.” That’s a familiar phrase, but one the Pope thinks is worth drawing special attention to:
“Maybe, we do not pay enough attention to these words: Jesus prayed for me! This is really a source of confidence: He prays for me;  He prayed for me … I imagine …a figure …as Jesus is before the Father in Heaven. It is so: He prays for us; He prays for me. And what does the Father see? The wounds, the cost. The price He paid for us. Jesus prays for me with His wounds, with His wounded heart and He will continue to do so.”
The faces of the division
Jesus prays “for the unity of His people, for the Church.” But Jesus knows, Pope Francis says, that “the spirit of the world” is “a spirit of division, of war, of envy, jealousy, even in families, even in religious families, even in dioceses, even in the Church as a whole: it is the great temptation.” One that leads, the Pope says, to gossiping, to labelling, to pigeonholing people. All attitudes and behavior, the Pope stresses, that we are called to refrain from:
“We must be one, just one being, as Jesus and the Father are one. This is precisely the challenge for all of us Christians: to not give way to division among us; to not let the spirit of division, the father of lies, come between us.  Continuously seek unity.  Everyone is different in his own way, but [we must] try to live in unity.  Has Jesus forgiven you? He forgives everyone. Jesus prays that we are one, one being. And the Church has great need of this prayer of unity. ”
Unity is grace, not “glue”
A Church held together by “glue,”  jokes the Pope, doesn’t exist – because the unity Jesus calls us to “is a grace of God” and “a struggle” to be won on this earth. “We have to make room for the Spirit, Pope Francis concludes, so that we are transformed as the Father is in the Son:  one being”:
“Another bit of advice that Jesus gave in these days before He takes His leave is to remain in Him: ‘Abide in me.’ And He asks for this grace, that we all remain in Him. And here He shows us why;  He clearly says: ‘Father, I want those whom you have given me, that they too may be with me where I am.’ That is, that they remain there, with me. Remaining in Jesus, in this world, in the end [means] remaining with Him ‘so that they may see my glory.’ ”
(from Vatican Radio)…