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Category: Global

Pope condemns corruption in speech to Italian bishops

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis renewed his condemnation of the practice and culture of corruption on Monday. The Holy Father’s denunciation came during the course of remarks he made to open the annual General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference – remarks that centered on the need to recover “Ecclesial sensitivity.”
Listen to Ann Schneible’s report:

“Ecclesial sensitivity,” involves, “taking on Christ’s attitudes of humility, compassion, mercy, concreteness and wisdom,” said Pope Francis. “Ecclesial sensitivity also involves being neither timid nor irrelevant in denouncing and defeating a diffuse mentality of public and private corruption that has succeeded in impoverishing – without a trace of shame – families, pensioners, honest laborers, Christian communities,” and ruined the lives of young people, who, because of the culture and practice of corruption, have lost all hope in the future. “Above all,” continued Pope Francis, “[corruption] pushes aside the weakest and most needy.”
Another major aspect of ecclesial sensitivity, and a key to combatting corruption effectively, is “Reinforcing the indispensable role of the laity willing to take on the responsibilities that are properly their own,” said Pope Francis. “In reality,” he continued, “lay men and women who have an authentic Christian formation do not need a ‘bishop-pilot’ or a ‘monsignor-pilot’ or clerical input to assume their responsibilities at every level from the political to the social, from the economic to the legislative,” he continued. “Instead,” said Pope Francis, “they need a ‘bishop-pastor.’”
The meeting of the Italian Bishops Conference runs from May 18-21, and is exploring the reception of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel,” among the faithful.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope condemns corruption in speech to Italian bishops

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis renewed his condemnation of the practice and culture of corruption on Monday. The Holy Father’s denunciation came during the course of remarks he made to open the annual General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference – remarks that centered on the need to recover “Ecclesial sensitivity.” Listen to Ann Schneible’s report:…
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Pope condemns corruption in speech to Italian bishops

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis renewed his condemnation of the practice and culture of corruption on Monday. The Holy Father’s denunciation came during the course of remarks he made to open the annual General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference – remarks that centered on the need to recover “Ecclesial sensitivity.” Listen to Ann Schneible’s report:…
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Pope condemns corruption in speech to Italian bishops

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis renewed his condemnation of the practice and culture of corruption on Monday. The Holy Father’s denunciation came during the course of remarks he made to open the annual General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference – remarks that centered on the need to recover “Ecclesial sensitivity.” Listen to Ann Schneible’s report:…
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Pope to Mideast nuns: pray for peace, persecuted

(Vatican Radio) Saying he was giving them a “mission,”  Pope Francis has asked religious sisters from Bethlehem and the Middle East to pray for peace in the region and for two new Palestinian saints.
19 th  century Sister Miriam of Jesus Crucified Baouardy and Sister Marie-Alphonsine Ghattas were canonized in a big outdoor Mass presided by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s square on Sunday. 
Many of the Carmelite and Rosary sisters who had attended the canonization had flown into Rome from Jordan – on the same plane as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who was also present as the two Palestinian religious were made saints.   In receiving the visiting nuns in the Clementine Hall in the Apostolic Palace Monday, Pope Francis said the president had told him the flight was “full of sisters!”  “Poor pilot,” the Pope chuckled.
The Pope urged the nuns to pray for an end to “this interminable” conflict in the Holy Land so that “there will be peace” between Israelis and Palestinians.
 He also called for prayers for “persecuted Christians, kicked out of their homes, from the land” and decried what he called “persecution with white gloves – persecution and ‘white terrorism’ – also ‘white gloved terrorism’.”  “It is veiled, but it happens!”
Before reciting the Hail Mary together with the sisters from the Middle East, Francis urged them to “Pray a lot for peace.”
(from Vatican Radio)…