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Category: Global

Pope sends telegramme of condolance following Nepal earthquake disaster

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his deep sadness following the devastating earthquake in Nepal which has claimed hundreds of lives. In a telegramme signed by Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, the Holy Father also expressed his solidarity with all those affected. Below please find attached the Pope’s telegramme of condolance The Right Reverend…
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Pope Francis: solidarity is always actual, prophetic

(Vatican Radio) The word “solidarity” maintains it “prophetic force” today, even though some people may have thought the term had seen its day, said Pope Francis on Saturday, during his message to members of the John Paul II Foundation.
Listen to the report by Laura Ieraci:

The foundation was established by papal decree in 1981 and carries out charitable work in the fields of education, science, culture and religion. It is based in the Vatican.
In his message, Pope Francis said the canonization of the late pontiff gave the foundation’s mission “a new impulse,” making it even “more universal.”
The foundation offers “a precious contribution” to the promotion of the “spiritual legacy” of Saint John Paul II,  he added.
He thanked foundation members for their educational initiatives among youth – noting Saint John Paul II’s “great love for young people and special pastoral care for them” – allowing the late pontiff’s “charism and paternity (to) continue to bear fruit.”  
The foundation’s formation opportunities also help to prepare priests and laity to “accompany communities faced with the cultural and pastoral challenges today,” the pope said.
“To this, you can also add the rich magisterium of social doctrine that Saint John Paul II left us, which is always actual,” he said.
One of the “key words” of social doctrine is “solidarity,” which is a word that perhaps some people thought had seen its day, said the pope. “But in reality, it retains today its prophetic force,” he said.
He urged the foundation’s members to “live this solidarity” among themselves and to nurture it with Christian fellowship, animated continually by prayer and the obedience to the Word of God.”
Learn more about the foundation at: http://www.fjp2.com/
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis prays for the victims of a major earthquake in Nepal.

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis is praying for the victims of a major earthquake in Nepal. The major earthquake, which  measured 7.9 on the Richter Scale, shook Nepal just before noon on Saturday, causing major damage to the densely-populated Kathmandu Valley. Officials fear hundreds of people have died. The quake’s epicenter was 80 km northwest of the country’s capital, Kathmandu. The quake toppled a 100-year -old temple, split roads, and razed houses and buildings. Among the damages is the Dharahara Tower, a national monument, built by Nepal’s royal rulers in the 1800’s. Officials estimate that at least 50 people are trapped inside the collapsed structure. The quake is reported to have caused avalanches in the Mount Everest region of the Himalayas and Tremors could be felt as far away in New Delhi in neighbouring India . Vatican Radio spoke with Fr Pius Perumana, an aid worker from Caritas Nepal in Kathmandu, who said many of the houses in the tightly packed city have collapsed  and survivors need emergency medical care and shelter.  “I managed to reach Kathmandu, though the roads were blocked…they are still searching for survivors. The reports are still coming in…The picture is not very clear,” he said. This is Nepal’s second-worst earthquake since 1934, when an 8.0-magnitude quake destroyed three cities: Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan. Listen to the report by Andrew Summerson:  

(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis: solidarity is always actual, prophetic

(Vatican Radio) The word “solidarity” maintains it “prophetic force” today, even though some people may have thought the term had seen its day, said Pope Francis on Saturday, during his message to members of the John Paul II Foundation. Listen to the report by Laura Ieraci: The foundation was established by papal decree in 1981…
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Pope Francis: solidarity is always actual, prophetic

(Vatican Radio) The word “solidarity” maintains it “prophetic force” today, even though some people may have thought the term had seen its day, said Pope Francis on Saturday, during his message to members of the John Paul II Foundation. Listen to the report by Laura Ieraci: The foundation was established by papal decree in 1981…
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